Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reaction To Azra Naseem - Over Reaction or Justified

I cannot help but feel great sympathy for Azra Naseem. She is a young lady who was born in the wrong country at the wrong time, and who is struggling to accept the ground realities of the place, she has little choice but to call home. A product of a Maldives so occupied with $ & £ that parents had no time to teach their children the basics and so turned them into coconuts - brown on the outside, white inside but still a c'NUT.[1]

She hates to be called a propagandist but she comes out as a wannabe propagandist selling a "secular Maldives" that she had so hoped that her beloved MDP headed by President Nasheed had sprung on Maldives forever. However in spite of Nasheed's fervent efforts (championed by people like Azra, Farah, Dr Shaheed, Ibra) at secularisation of Maldives the effort failed; for two important reasons :- 1. Democracy introduced by MAG in 2008 and 2. Islam.[2]

This explains her veiled attacks on Islam because she & like minded secularists don't have the guts to launch a frontal attack on Islam. Instead she chooses to vilify the people who are calling people to Islam. Azra is unable to hide her rabid hatred for Sheik Imran because she rightly realises that the Sheik and his fellow Sheiks were the prime movers for Nasheed's downfall. With his miraculous  downfall the dream of spreading the religion of secularism was given a painful blow. She also hates to be reminded it was also the very same Sheiks who handed her hero the presidency of Maldives on a platter.[3]

Maldives was paradoxically saved *by Democracy. What Azra and her alter egos should realise for their own sakes is that post 2008 the will of the people is supreme. The ground reality is that in Maldives an overwhelming majority of people has no hesitation in calling themselves Muslims. This being a Democratic country the Sheiks such as Imran, Iliyas have every right to express their interpretation of the sacred texts. That's their right. Those people who wish to follow them have every right to to do so and let those such as Azra oppose them as they choose.  The Constitution and the statutes being the ultimate constraint.[4]

What Azra needs to accept is that the days of authoritarianism is over*. The pitiable sight and plight of Nasheed and his MDP lusting for power is proof of that. No amount of "writings" to please the farangiis is going to change *anything. The Sheiks *are here to stay. If she and her kind want to challenge them the BEST course open is to study the texts they studied and offer an alternative  interpretation to the texts and offer it to the people- that is if they want to be effective or relevant rather than keep on whining ad infinitum.[5]

To exploit a small child's horrors at the hands of a diabolical criminal is another  form of pedophilia and no sane person should or would do it. You are doing that child irreparable damage and should be ashamed of yourself keeping the fires burning forgetting that her parents, relatives, friends would read your words and you are keeping the torture of that child going on and on[5]. 

Take lessons from the MPS and minister Diana. Quietly with the minimum of fuss they are taking care of the child and dealing with that 45 year beastly freak (who deserves nothing short of death by public stoning). Instead you are raking mud around that child. Truly sick![6]

Azra  & Co wake up! We are no longer under authoritarian rule. just as people from Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and now Syria WHEN given freedom to choose, ALL overwhelmingly chose proponents of Islam and the secularists were relegated to their dingy holes. Remember the secularist Saddam Hussain found in a spider hole, Gaddafi found in a sewage pipe. TAKE LESSONS![7] 

One final thought - to pray, fast, go on Hadj pay Zakat can be the most exhilarating of experiences and staying away from Alchol, eating pork, staying away from Zinna, usury really could be pretty Liberating - if we would only give ourselves a half a chance.[8

Monday, October 1, 2012


786!   Peace!
Some of you who followed this blog when it started would perhaps remember that these pages saw light as a result of 2 happy-go-lucky girls starting their journey of discovery of themselves. In spite of being involved with the inevitable “paper-chase” we found the allure of PEACE & serenity compelling. On this journey we discovered the choice presented to us in Quran 2/200 & Quran 2/201 & the wonderful promise in 2/202.

ABDLH.YUSUF ALI :… …..“Our Lord! Give us (Thy bounties) in this world!” but they will have no portion in the Hereafter.

ABDLH.YUSUF ALI: And there are men who say: “Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!”

ABDLH.YUSUF ALI: To these will be allotted what they have earned; and Allah is quick in account.

Both Ayesha & I were struck by the implications in these three verses for many months. We would talk and discuss and invite friends at uni in animated discussions and this lead us to reading about the final prophet –pbuh. This started something very beautiful within us. Not only in Ayesha & me but in many friends in our dorm of different faiths and outlooks to life. We exchanged ideas in those December wintry nights with a lot of passion and a few of us embarked on a long quest of self-discovery. That journey we discovered was amazing, confusing, frightening, exhilarating all at the same time …..

The Prophet* (* = Peace be upon him) is reported in Abu Dawood to have said “‘A Mu’ min is a mirror for a Mu’min.’ 

Thus we set out to “share & witness” in our little blog in the spirit of this beautiful Hadis. However we were forced to discontinue because we were repeatedly told that we were not Islamic scholars to talk about Islam. The response that we earlier got in our blog was phenomenal. We received many comments sharing people’s experiences and sharing what moved people in the texts. That was so useful, and helped us much in our journey. In the comments there was the good, the bad and the ugly. But that is how life is and from all of it we had take-home lessons. We are beginning once again trying to recapture what we lost and starting again what we shouldn’t have ever stopped.

We are inviting you to take a few minutes to help us on our journey. Maybe we will discover something of the failings within ourselves looking into your thoughts that you hopefully choose to express here. Let’s try to  turn ourselves into mirrors – one for the other vice-versa. Peace!

A reminder!
 Our understanding is that human beings are free to make choices and of course they are answerable for making those choices. In our blog we make no attempt to limit this freedom. We are really not interested who you are and what you are and from where you are. We are interested only in what you say and how you say it; for therein lies the take-home lessons. Thus whilst your comments are very welcome it’s your responsibility to control your pen. 
