A Different perspective on Some Comments to the article " Other religions will not be allowed under MDP Government says Nasheed". . Minivan News Article
@ A said ...
"... Understood your line of reasoning. It has some merit though I don’t share your view point- ie all f it. Couldn’t help but laugh at the penguins."
In reply to ..
@ A B S who said -
".... (2) MDP’s “birakaanulai …”, i.e. “enjoy without fear” is a great policy, in fact. Did you know that the most popular reason for youth taking to drugs is due to boredom? I believe MPD’s policy is aimed at solving that particular problem.
".... (2) MDP’s “birakaanulai …”, i.e. “enjoy without fear” is a great policy, in fact. Did you know that the most popular reason for youth taking to drugs is due to boredom? I believe MPD’s policy is aimed at solving that particular problem.
I wonder what is there for @Ali, to understand about "Enjoy without Fear" with respect to BOREDOM faced by youth?
In our view the striving of all Muslims must be to work towards this beautiful Koranic middle path of -
"working for the good of this life and the next life". True success is to ENJOY life in this world (within the context of "good in this life") - without loosing sight of the FEAR of loosing eternity on account of some temporary enjoyment in this world. Lets ponder on these revealing verses of the Quran & the Hadith given below which clarifies the relationship that exists between our immediate life we live in and the life in the hereafter. [1]
Thus a rational human being shouldn't ignore the one certainty in life - Death. He would heed the many warnings in the Koran regarding what follows after Death- the DAY OF JUDGEMENT. The holy Koran warns us repeatedly the consequences of disobeying Allah's Commandments - Time in Hell.
"working for the good of this life and the next life". True success is to ENJOY life in this world (within the context of "good in this life") - without loosing sight of the FEAR of loosing eternity on account of some temporary enjoyment in this world. Lets ponder on these revealing verses of the Quran & the Hadith given below which clarifies the relationship that exists between our immediate life we live in and the life in the hereafter. [1]
Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38).
Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38).
as compared with the life of the hereafter, the life of this world is nothing but a brief passing enjoyment” (Quran, Ar-Rad: 26).
And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32) -[2]
The Prophet (S. A. W. S.), too, clarified the value of this life in relation to the hereafter. He said, “The life of this world compared to the hereafter is as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean and take it out again then compare the water that remains on his finger to the water that remains in the ocean” [Sahîh Muslim (2858)].
Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger of Allah (S. A. W. S.) took me by the shoulder and said: “Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler/wayfarer.”
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said ..“By Allah, it is not poverty that I fear for you, but I fear that this world will be spread out in front of you as it was spread out in front of those before you, and then you will vie for it as they vied for it, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them" [Riyad as-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous) by Imam Nawawi]. [3]
Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger of Allah (S. A. W. S.) took me by the shoulder and said: “Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler/wayfarer.”
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said ..“By Allah, it is not poverty that I fear for you, but I fear that this world will be spread out in front of you as it was spread out in front of those before you, and then you will vie for it as they vied for it, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them" [Riyad as-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous) by Imam Nawawi]. [3]
Thus a rational human being shouldn't ignore the one certainty in life - Death. He would heed the many warnings in the Koran regarding what follows after Death- the DAY OF JUDGEMENT. The holy Koran warns us repeatedly the consequences of disobeying Allah's Commandments - Time in Hell.
Bluntly put ENJOY to your hearts content -WITHIN THE LIMITS SET BY ALLAH; [4]
Enjoy! in answer to Allah's Word in the Quran to seek the GOOD in this world - within the limits set by Allah! Our enjoyment if with "The intention of Obeying Allah & seeking Allah's pleasure", becomes ibadat. Islam is UNIQUE in the world in not accepting a separation between the activities of this world & the next but offers the means by which worldly pursuits of this world takes on meaning in the next. The very first Hadith in Sahih Bukhari makes abundantly clear how this could be so.
"Enjoy"! - without loosing sight of the fact that we will be held answerable for all our actions on Judgement day. [5]
Lets read the Sirah of the prophet, the writings of the great writers in Islam both young and old and be impressed with the cognisance of fear in spite of the high stations those early Pious Generations were blessed with. Take lessons from how the Prophet sal; in spite of being the Chosen of the chosen, demonstrated to his Companions the fear, love and longing that he (sal) always had for Allah swt.
Enjoy! in answer to Allah's Word in the Quran to seek the GOOD in this world - within the limits set by Allah! Our enjoyment if with "The intention of Obeying Allah & seeking Allah's pleasure", becomes ibadat. Islam is UNIQUE in the world in not accepting a separation between the activities of this world & the next but offers the means by which worldly pursuits of this world takes on meaning in the next. The very first Hadith in Sahih Bukhari makes abundantly clear how this could be so.
"Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended....."
It cannot be repeated enough that PRUDENCE dictates that when we enjoy ourselves we must not loose sight of the FEAR of transgressing the limits set by Allah swt & thus earn Allah's wrath.Thus HOW COULD IT EVER BE ... "Birakanulai Majakolla"? For a Muslim it should always be:"Enjoy"! - without loosing sight of the fact that we will be held answerable for all our actions on Judgement day. [5]
Lets read the Sirah of the prophet, the writings of the great writers in Islam both young and old and be impressed with the cognisance of fear in spite of the high stations those early Pious Generations were blessed with. Take lessons from how the Prophet sal; in spite of being the Chosen of the chosen, demonstrated to his Companions the fear, love and longing that he (sal) always had for Allah swt.
Thus its clear that in order to achieve success in this world and the next we need to do what Allah swt has commanded and avoid at all costs what Allah swt has prohibited. To arrive at the happy state of accepting this we have to get to know our Creator. [6]
The Glorious Koran invites one to ponder on its verses and to look around us in whichever direction we wish to and ponder on the many signs of the Creator stamped everywhere; for those seeking Allah swt with a sincere heart yearning for Allah's swt Help & Guidance. With the Knowledge of Allah swt comes fear and love of Allah swt and Insha Allah the desire to please Allah swt by Obeying His Commandments to actualise the Shahadah in ones life, perform Salat, Fast, Pay Zakat and do the Hadj - In a nutshell to follow the Prophets example in ones life as Allah has ordered us to do. [7]
(pls reffer earlier posts).
It is superfluous in the light of the above to add anything more on this subject however for the sceptics out there amongst us it might pay to ponder on the Wager of Pascal - the French Mathematician & philosopher & to draw ones own conclusions. [8]
A Surprising & eye-opening comment ...
Which one of us haven't thought in like manner at some point in our lives? Which one of us listened to such musings sympathetically? In the light of what was written above it would now seem that there is much more to the stakes than meets our eyes, at a first simplistic glance. Simplistic glance because it ignores completely man's reality after death and seems to be fixated only on man's youth, Energy & his enjoyment. Isn't it frightening that we are ignoring the oft recurring warnings by Allah in His Own words in the Noble Quran such as ...
1. Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the hereafter (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah: 86). and again ....
2. “Let not then this present life deceive you” (Quran, Surah Fatir: 5).
3. “…Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38).
4. “And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32) [10]
A] Isn't it a fact that after accepting Islam we are (youth included)- MUSLIMS FIRST and only after that anything else - Maldivians or otherwise? In this context shouldn't the above comment read :-
"In short, our youth need to have avenues for them to socialise WITHIN THE LAWS OF ISLAM &; the laws of our Land - which DON'T GO AGAINST the Commandments of Allah.". (We see how the institution of the Parliament works and how easy it is for parties literally to buy MP's loyalty to manipulate a majority & pass Laws and Parliament regulations which go against the basic Quranic principles of the rule of law). [11]
1. Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the hereafter (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah: 86). and again ....
2. “Let not then this present life deceive you” (Quran, Surah Fatir: 5).
3. “…Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38).
4. “And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32) [10]
A] Isn't it a fact that after accepting Islam we are (youth included)- MUSLIMS FIRST and only after that anything else - Maldivians or otherwise? In this context shouldn't the above comment read :-
"In short, our youth need to have avenues for them to socialise WITHIN THE LAWS OF ISLAM &; the laws of our Land - which DON'T GO AGAINST the Commandments of Allah.". (We see how the institution of the Parliament works and how easy it is for parties literally to buy MP's loyalty to manipulate a majority & pass Laws and Parliament regulations which go against the basic Quranic principles of the rule of law). [11]
It's in our youths interest - (the cream of them included) to be encouraged to study the diverse branches of knowledge in Islam in order to make Islam as taught by our Prophet sal, a 'living" dynamic & intelligible "WAY OF LIFE" for the 21st Century. Isn't it time that we ask ourselves why the Muslim Ummat no longer produces the likes of Imams Hanaffi, Maliki, Shaafi, Ahmed & Gazzali? [12]
Most of these great scholars of Islam were attracted to the pursuit of Islamic Knowledge in their childhood and tender youth. They were not only leading luminaries in their chosen fields - offering application of divine revelation to the problems of their times; but also reached the pinnacles of Spirituality by doing Compulsory and supererogatory deeds to get closer to Allah. We are reminded of the Qudsi Hadith in this regard:
"....My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory (extra) works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. .... " [13]
Most of these great scholars of Islam were attracted to the pursuit of Islamic Knowledge in their childhood and tender youth. They were not only leading luminaries in their chosen fields - offering application of divine revelation to the problems of their times; but also reached the pinnacles of Spirituality by doing Compulsory and supererogatory deeds to get closer to Allah. We are reminded of the Qudsi Hadith in this regard:
"....My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory (extra) works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. .... " [13]
Isn't this the call of Islam to the YOUTH in Maldives & the Muslim Ummat in the 21st century???? To study Allah's Revelations & contribute to "INFORMED OPINION" on All branches of knowledge in Islam, bringing Islam within reach, understandable and loved by both the young and old in the Ummat? [14]
B]. Any given act can have diverse opinions as to it being "Good" or "Bad"- because different people think differently and have different criteria or yardsticks to decide what is good or what is bad. What is seen as good by some people today might be be seen by them as bad tomorrow. This is the nature of things. Among the many views on something being "good" or "bad" figures not only ones own opinion but also Allah's view on it being "Good" or "Bad". Allah swt has given Man the choice of choosing between the Creatures (other peoples or own) opinion of what is "Good" / "Bad" or What Allah swt The Creator has decided & decreed what is "Good" or "Bad". [15]
Since Allah Willed to terminate direct binding revelation from Allah with the passing of Prophet Muhammad sal what Allah swt revealed to the Prophet pbuh as "Good" or "Bad" CANNOT CHANGE.
" .... This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam ...." Quran Al Maida- 5:3. [16]
Allah Created Man & made known to him what was required of him through His Messengers. He made clear what was manifestly Good or Halal and what was bad or Haram and left what was in between unclear to man's discretion to exercise his judgement based on Allah's Revelations. In His Mercy Allah placed in man a piece of flesh that assisted man in making choices. It would seem that to take care of this piece of flesh was essential. Lets read and ponder the following, seeking Allah's Help & Guidance.
“Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will give you death, then again will bring you to life (on the Day of Resurrection) and then unto Him you will return” (Quran, Sura Al-Baqarah: 28). [17]
On the authority of Abu 'Abdullah al-Nu'man bin Bashir (ra) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah(sas) say:"The halal is clear and the haram is clear, and between them are matters unclear that are unknown to most people. Whoever is wary of these unclear matters has absolved his religion and honor. And whoever indulges in them has indulged in the haram. It is like a shepherd who herds his sheep too close to preserved sanctuary, and they will eventually graze in it. Every king has a sanctuary, and the sanctuary of Allah is what He has made haram. There lies within the body a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted. Verily this piece is the heart." [Bukhari & Muslim [18]
Allah's Words below are instructive ...
"But seek, with that (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and do good as Allah has been good to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allah likes not the Mufsidun (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupters)" (Quran, Surah Al-Qasas: 77).
O you who believe! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you with, and be grateful to Allah, if it is indeed He Whom you worship (Quran, Surah Jumaah: 172). [19]
A Muslim after considering the Universe he lives in, knows for a fact that Allah swt is One & that it's Allah Who Created Man and so readily submits his will to Allah swt and accepts ONLY what Allah swt decrees as "Good" and reject ALL other views - including his own . [20]
This is a conscious act of exercising CHOICE and rejecting ALL other views (own view including) except Allah's view. Thus He/She submits His/Her Will to Allah swt, in Total Obedience, in all Sincerity, Humility and so attains Peace. The more sincere he is, greater his humility the more intensely a person submits to Allah, greater is the degree of his/her Serenity and the Peace He/she attains. This is easily demonstrable and each and every person especially Muslims can TEST IT & should TRY IT! [21]
This explains why intellectually inclined people, living in modern licentious societies experiencing a sense of unease in the hullabaloo of Modern living are attracted to Submitting their Will to Allah swt and so attain Peace - not by withdrawing from society but by becoming a fuller member of society who is a boon to his/her family and fellow men and women. [22]
Such a person who has attained Peace and takes pleasure in Zikr of Allah & thinks at each step the horrors of the Day of Judgement promised by Allah swt for those who transgress Allah swt's Commandments will Insha Allah not have room in his/her life for Alcohol, Drugs, Illicit sex & the Devils invitations. [23]
HEREIN IS THE SOLUTION TO YOUTH BOREDOM & in fact the myriad woes of 21st Century society. He or She would work towards a family and a society of Believers in Allah & His Messenger sal, Submiting to Allah swt's WILL and so promote Good, forbid evil according to revealed Divine Will. Such a Community naturally reaches the heights of self realisation with its members seeing reflected in his/her bro/sis a reflection of himself. [24]
The more one takes the effort & trouble to Know Allah & understand HIS revelations to the prophet sal, the more completely he/she is able to submit to the Divine Will. He/She begins to experience peace, serenity and pleasure in his/her submission to Allah - weather in Salat, Fasting, paying Zakat, Going on Hadj or refraining from Alcohol, drugs, dancing, clubbing etc. In this state the Muslim is able to actualise in the perfect sense the duty of Loving his neighbour as himself. [25]
Human beings attain self realisation in the complete sense of the word by Submitting to Allah's Will to at last reach Peace, Harmony, Serenity & Tranquility. Its the most fulfilling of voyages of discovery. We need to discover and experience that Submission To Allah swt gives us Peace and drives away the blues & boredom with no hangups. Such youth will have NO TIME for Alcohol, Discotheques, drugs, illicit sex & crime. Instead they would strive to Love Allah & His Prophet, Obey Allah's Commandments & so love his neighbour as oneself - So touchingly demonstrated by the holy Prophet Muhammad sal, in his life. [26]
This is a conscious act of exercising CHOICE and rejecting ALL other views (own view including) except Allah's view. Thus He/She submits His/Her Will to Allah swt, in Total Obedience, in all Sincerity, Humility and so attains Peace. The more sincere he is, greater his humility the more intensely a person submits to Allah, greater is the degree of his/her Serenity and the Peace He/she attains. This is easily demonstrable and each and every person especially Muslims can TEST IT & should TRY IT! [21]
This explains why intellectually inclined people, living in modern licentious societies experiencing a sense of unease in the hullabaloo of Modern living are attracted to Submitting their Will to Allah swt and so attain Peace - not by withdrawing from society but by becoming a fuller member of society who is a boon to his/her family and fellow men and women. [22]
Such a person who has attained Peace and takes pleasure in Zikr of Allah & thinks at each step the horrors of the Day of Judgement promised by Allah swt for those who transgress Allah swt's Commandments will Insha Allah not have room in his/her life for Alcohol, Drugs, Illicit sex & the Devils invitations. [23]
HEREIN IS THE SOLUTION TO YOUTH BOREDOM & in fact the myriad woes of 21st Century society. He or She would work towards a family and a society of Believers in Allah & His Messenger sal, Submiting to Allah swt's WILL and so promote Good, forbid evil according to revealed Divine Will. Such a Community naturally reaches the heights of self realisation with its members seeing reflected in his/her bro/sis a reflection of himself. [24]

Human beings attain self realisation in the complete sense of the word by Submitting to Allah's Will to at last reach Peace, Harmony, Serenity & Tranquility. Its the most fulfilling of voyages of discovery. We need to discover and experience that Submission To Allah swt gives us Peace and drives away the blues & boredom with no hangups. Such youth will have NO TIME for Alcohol, Discotheques, drugs, illicit sex & crime. Instead they would strive to Love Allah & His Prophet, Obey Allah's Commandments & so love his neighbour as oneself - So touchingly demonstrated by the holy Prophet Muhammad sal, in his life. [26]
C] Tackling Drugs Use & Abuse is a noble cause. However first and foremost it's necessary to get to the root of ANY problem. The question that needs to be asked is - why are youth bored? and delinquent? Often the answer is complex and a big part of the problem is that parents for whatever reasons have failed their children by not having taught them adequately about Allah and His Prophet. Such children grow with a lack of love for Allah & His prophet sal. [27]
Such people have a shallow understanding of the hereafter & the day of Judgement. This results in indulgences in childhood and early youth and continues into adulthood with action that darkens that piece of flesh in man which when pure prompts one to do good and avoid evil. For them "Birakanulai Majakulai", "Raa Boan Vaane"& "Boaan Jehene" becomes a rallying call and like the pied-piper found out the rats (in us) young and old of all colours answered the call. A call that leads to Spiritual death and a ticket to Hell. [28]
The Devil prey on such youth and individuals inducing them to drink intoxicants, eat pork, do drugs, go insane on the dance floor, engage in illicit sex of all kinds and the Devil uses them to promote such activities amongst others. In five words they become Devils partners spreading corruption in the land. You would recognize them because they would insult Allah, insult the Prophet, reject Allah's Laws and Punishments and preach men to Disobey Allah's Law. [29]
D] Last but not least We need to come out of the DEEP WELLS that we find ourselves in & look around us and ask:-
Such people have a shallow understanding of the hereafter & the day of Judgement. This results in indulgences in childhood and early youth and continues into adulthood with action that darkens that piece of flesh in man which when pure prompts one to do good and avoid evil. For them "Birakanulai Majakulai", "Raa Boan Vaane"& "Boaan Jehene" becomes a rallying call and like the pied-piper found out the rats (in us) young and old of all colours answered the call. A call that leads to Spiritual death and a ticket to Hell. [28]
The Devil prey on such youth and individuals inducing them to drink intoxicants, eat pork, do drugs, go insane on the dance floor, engage in illicit sex of all kinds and the Devil uses them to promote such activities amongst others. In five words they become Devils partners spreading corruption in the land. You would recognize them because they would insult Allah, insult the Prophet, reject Allah's Laws and Punishments and preach men to Disobey Allah's Law. [29]
D] Last but not least We need to come out of the DEEP WELLS that we find ourselves in & look around us and ask:-
"Birakanulai Mjakolla - Kurriah Kurriah Baarah Kuriah PHILOSOPHIES
SPEND BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON THE HUGE PROBLEM RESULTING FROM "Birakanulai Mjakollai, Raa Boanjehene - Kurriah Kurriah Baarah Kuriah PHILOSOPHIES as practised in countries as in the USA, UK, EU, JAPAN, RUSSIA? [31]
In these "advanced" Western liberal Democracies in spite of and in addition to all the Good they might possess they have a very dark side related to their Birakanulai Majakura Raaboanjehena thinking. Glimpse through any newspaper and glimpse through the world crimes statistics, Alcohol & Drug abuse statistics, Rape statistics, Domestic Violence stats, Drugs and Alcohol abuse related health statistics, sexually transmitted disease statistics, Abortion statistics, single parent and consequent abortion statistics. Who could possibly deny the extent of the problem? [32]
"Birakanulai Mjakolla - Kurriah Kurriah Baarah Kuriah PHILOSOPHIES
SPEND BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON THE HUGE PROBLEM RESULTING FROM "Birakanulai Mjakollai, Raa Boanjehene - Kurriah Kurriah Baarah Kuriah PHILOSOPHIES as practised in countries as in the USA, UK, EU, JAPAN, RUSSIA? [31]
In these "advanced" Western liberal Democracies in spite of and in addition to all the Good they might possess they have a very dark side related to their Birakanulai Majakura Raaboanjehena thinking. Glimpse through any newspaper and glimpse through the world crimes statistics, Alcohol & Drug abuse statistics, Rape statistics, Domestic Violence stats, Drugs and Alcohol abuse related health statistics, sexually transmitted disease statistics, Abortion statistics, single parent and consequent abortion statistics. Who could possibly deny the extent of the problem? [32]
Which sane person would choose to copy this failed model - In its present form as seen in the "Developed" West? [33]
Indeed Youth Boredom and the related issues are complex issues. Imaginary easy fixes like Birakanulai use of Drugs, Alcohol, Sports Clubs, Clubbing, Tourism, Licentious same sex & hetro sex - has resulted in the youth in the liberal West & elsewhere going from the frying pan into the fire; with the youth CONTINUING TO REMAIN BORED. We see this in the Capitals and cities of the "Developed" West. Live in New York, Paris, London or any other "free to Enjoy without Fear society" and you will see the fruits of Birakanulai Majakura VISNUN:- [34]
Only a fool cannot see THROUGH the glitzy veneer of liberal secular societies where a rich elite grower richer whilst the majority throw away the Good of this life & Compromise the Good of the next life.
The answer to our youth problems is not to ape the Birakanulai Majakuramun Boila Boenjehey philosophy but to Submit Our Will to Allah! [35]
Jasmine/ Maldivians For Islam Blog.
Could you not make this short and sweet. RN is the best.
Are you happy Pr Nasheed has lost to Yamin ? I propose your article exaggerates Nasheeds position. He is just like any Maldivian leading a busy life to feed his family and going to mosque when he can. I don't like the character assassination attempted. What is wrong with a bit of enjoyment in life? If you ask me beneath your tent you are worst than Anni. I condemn this intolerant essay.
"["Enjoy"! - without loosing sight of the fact that we will be held answerable for all our actions on Judgement day. [5]]"
I agree with this.
Beautifully put. Alhamdhulillah! There still are sensible Muslims in Maldives! Thank you for this. I shall share it to educate.
Beautifully put. Alhamdhulillah! There still are sensible Muslims in Maldives! Thank you for this. I shall share it to educate.
An effort to do what? Label?
I think the whole lengthy essay forgot to address the underlying real issue nd concentrated more on labelling Nasheed as "ladhyny", "Raa Bo" meeha , also u skipped mentioning the linguistic usage/meaning of the phrase "birakanula". To give u an insight;
Nasheedhu "Biraka nula maja kurun"
Cp Abdulla Riyaz "Biraka nula vote levey goiy hadhaa dhinun.."
Sheikh Shameem "kurin biraka nula dharus dhinee, mihaaru birakaa nulaeh nun.."
If you consider the common usage practice of the phrase it becomes very clear that the "biraka nula" is in no way talkin about the 'fear of God', rather it refers to any other worldly threat that may come in ones way. Moreover "biraka nula maja kura philosophy" should be read and understood in the light of the details given in their manifesto. Did you read it? Im pretty sure the answer is a no.
Otherthan this I loved the many verses and ahadith in your post and I would have appreciated your post more if you had taken the oppotunity to address the adab of speaking in islam and dealt with the many campaign slogans which went against it. To mention a few MDP:"Ehburun", PPM:"Yageen", JP:"Tharaqqee Qaim", non of them had "in-sha Allah" as part of the slogan.
Finally, before labelling 105k of the muslim population in this as "La Dheeny","Fasiqu","Fajir","kaafir" do reflect on the hadhith you shared in the post: "By him in whose hand my soul is, no one is a believer until they wish for their brother what they wish for themself".
May Allah guide us all -Amin-
@ jasmine
@ verify
Thanks for taking time. I agree with anon that this was a very creditable effort by the blog to answer the call of to enjoy without fear. I also took note with appreciation the call for the youth to take up religious studies. If Islam is to enter into every fabric of life in a social context then it concerns every member of society.It would be a hopeless situation if the people who take up religious studies are those who are drop-outs who failed to qualify to be a dr, proctor or engineer OR who have failed English. We need the best of the best.
"I think the whole lengthy essay forgot to address the underlying real issue nd concentrated more on labelling Nasheed as "ladhyny", "Raa Bo" meeha , "
What is the real Issue I wonder?
haow many meanings could Usage of Birakanulai within the context of enjoyment have. Its surely Reference to the source that censures enjoyment. What else could it be? The Govt doesnt censure enjoyment except what Allah censures eg drinking, sex etc
Alhamdulilahi and thanks for the kind words. I like to assure
@ verify
that I had no intention of labelling anyone as "ladini" or "Raa boah meeha".
Nasheed is no ordinary citizen of Maldives. He is an ex President and who aspires to be President of Maldives. As such he is duty bound to uphold and make known the principles of Islam. That's his duty as a leader and I as a citizen who would have been forced to accept him as my leader is duty bound to let him and others know what I perceive as wrong.
If I'm wrong I certainly am open to correction.
My point was and is that our life on earth - weather in play, work, development, nation building or whatever else has to take into account that we will be called to account on Judgement day for all our actions and that Hell and Paradise are realities that are inescapable. My whole essay was reminding myself this reality.
I never called 105K Maldivians Ladini. I recognise that I cannot be a judge and Allah who sees into peoples hearts is the final judge. Also I did mention in my essay that Nasheed and MDP did indeed voice their Islamic credentials towards the tail-end of their campaign.
I admit Nasheeds pronouncements in Denmark, calls to drink Alcohol disturbs me. Even so I genuinely recognise I'm called to be just. For the Golden rule is that just because we do not like something we shouldn't be unjust. Also I was prompted to be part of a community that promoted "Good" and discouraged "evil" in the light of what's made manifest by Allah's revelations.
Can 1 point fingers at anyone? Who has right to label anybody as l;aadini? RN is a man who has given us freedoms. He is a visionary. His vision is to see Maldives join the 21st century. How long can we struck in 6th Century Arabia. Dont we deserve better than becom another Talibanistan?
Live in this world as though you are a stranger or a traveller (passing through it)- Muslim
"Lets read the Sirah of the prophet, the writings of the great writers in Islam both young and old and be impressed with the cognisance of fear in spite of the high stations those early Pious Generations were blessed with. Take lessons from how the Prophet sal; in spite of being the Chosen of the chosen, demonstrated to his Companions the fear, love and longing that he (sal) always had for Allah swt." - Beautiful. Thx
I am disgusted that the one word that cries out in this dismal article is FEAR. The one word that best describes Islam is "fear." The different actions of Muslims today all seem to be a reflection of the fear that has built up within the individual. This is what President Nasheed & MDP aimed to change. Sooner or later you will change.
@ John
Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî and Mu`âdh b, Jabal relate that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner.”[ Sunan al-Tirmidhî ]
Hope that will help you to fight YOUR fear. Relax! Breath in.... Breath out! relax Breath in! ..... Breath out! TRy to get rid of all hatred for islam that you bear... AND reflect on this Hadhith with a sincere heart. By the way, Islam is Peace. Dont let anyone Nasheed, Iblis or anyone fool you
In-order for you to understand the issue you need to understand the situation in which we live in this country. As a child I grew-up in one of the islands away from the capital Male'. The situation in our island as I remember, we didn't have a park, nor a play ground, no seesaw, no merry-go-rounds, no amusement parks, not even a library, non, zero. We only had the backyard, the street and the beach.As we all agree; kids do play and the youth are energetic. I remember as kids playing in friends backyard and then halfway through being chased away by the uncles/aunts/grandpas/grandmas either because we were making too much noise, or we damaging some plant in the backyard or any other reason that it may be. The streets were no better than the backyards, neighbours/passersby complaining. Even today this situation remains the same in some islands. So when Nasheed said and explained the "biraka nula" policy, I did understand the meaning and the necessity for it. If you go on to read their manifesto and read how they are going to fullfill this "biraka nula ufaakura" policy you'll find under it its mentioned : constructing playgounds, parks nd so on. Legalising alchohol and drugs is not listed there.
If all this is true so what can be the real issue? I guess its how they chose to name their policy, maybe it didnt really fit-in to the context. Maybe they were not careful enough to know that people can misunderstand or maybe take a political advantage out of it. Maybe the manners/choice of words were wrong.
Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust (Quran 9:51)
And put thy trust on the Exalted in Might, the Merciful (26:217)
I understand your point of view. Thank you.
Google has launched a vote to name Israel or
Palestine on its map in Google Earth. So far 72%
voted in favour of Israel. Please send it to each one
in your list to vote for Palestine. All you have to do is to click on the link below and then select the Palestinian flag ... Thanks for your support ..
pls vote and share
One day Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin,
“Why don’t you tie down your camel?”
The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (At-Tirmidhi).
Sometimes we can very easily forget that we have to do our bit in our endeavours as well; effort and struggle is required from us if we truly want to achieve or attain something…….. (A reminder for myself first and foremost)
People have you heard of double meaning? "Fear without enjoyment" for some people like Verify is about making swimming pools, sports complexes, parks for the citizens. It's a youth strategy to lure youth from "aimlessness"- a means to kill time. Father mother aunty uncle and aunty can't scream and frighten one away.
Anni's life and his several pronouncements on different stages captured on several audio visual clips advocating copying the Western culture of drinking, partying clubbing, doing drugs HAS TO BE IGNORED.
Of course you people are twats who don't understand modern life of taking care of youth - by building sports facilities. :-)
"Actions Depends on intensions"
MDP has given its intension of Birakanulai Majakura policy for youth as a means to fill their time with sports instead of taking to drugs and crime. Narrow mindedness is the forte of some people. Welcome to the 21st century.
This is very funny. Blind leading the blind. Earlier people quoted Quran and Hadith after years of formal study. Now any Tom Dick Harry and Jasmine see fit to quote Hadith and Quran. So here we are treated to affirming Black whats white and white whats black. I say you are doing a disservice lady.
Leave mens work to men.
The concept of "Fear Allah".
How is this "Fear Allah" said in Arabic, and are there any other possible translations of it? Please read all of this to fully understand what I mean and why I'm asking this question.
The reason I asked this is because I'm a revert and I don't understand everything (let's face it, only Allah understands everything!), and I don't speak Arabic. The idea of fearing God isn't just a Muslim thing. It can be found in all religions to some degree, and some Christian denominations are extremely fond of this concept. I'm looking specifically for the Islamic interpretation of this concept and are we really using the right word when translating it to English?
Excuse me for going off on a philosophical banter here, but it's the only way I can get my point across properly...
Fear is a terrible emotion, one that when extreme enough for long enough can leave any human traumatized, and for some people fear can experienced so severe that they end up suffering mental illness, in some cases for the rest of their lives, as a result. Why would our loving, merciful and forgiving God want us to always fear him? It doesn't really make a lot of sense when you think about it. Unless we did something deserving of His wrath and punishment and were unrepenting, we should have no real logical reason to fear God.
I believe that we should do what we do for Him because we love Him and want to please Him, not because we're scared of Him. Fear is not a good way to motivate anyone to do anything in the long term. In the short term it works brilliantly, but in the long term people will often (try to) rebel and turn away from what they are scared of. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want us doing that. {Please reflect & To be continued Insha Allah …..}
The word(s) "fear" appears 296 time(s) in 269 verse(s) in Quran in Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation.
Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi #5140, Narrated Hudhayfah
The Prophet said, "By Him in Whose hand my soul is, you must enjoin what is reputable and forbid what is disreputable, or Allah will certainly soon send punishment from Himself to you. Then you will make supplication and not receive an answer."
Allah's Messenger (sal) said, "If, through fear of Allah, tears--even to the extent of a fly's head--fall from any believer's eyes and drop on some part of his cheek, he will be kept away from Hell by Allah."
Ibn Majah transmitted it.
Because they are human beings.
Dont these problems even if in some other mask exist in Saudia, Afghanistan or Parkistan or any other Muslim state?
Quote "Anni's life and his several pronouncements on different stages captured on several audio visual clips advocating copying the Western culture of drinking, partying clubbing, doing drugs HAS TO BE IGNORED"
Why dont we bring up these and discuss about them like civilised loving muslims who care about each other. Without the sarcasm and the name calling.
Do we need to talk about President Nasheed at all? Is this a political blog? Well said about name calling. If we do not involve ourselves with politics there wont be this need to dramatise.
@ Jasmine
There are many other platforms discussing politics. Can we please leave the politics and remind each other about Islam? For me the attraction fto “Maldivians for Islam” is that it’s a beautiful attempt to discuss Islam.
"["Enjoy"! - without loosing sight of the fact that we will be held answerable for all our actions on Judgement day. [5]]"
Agree @ Asif. This truly resonates with me too.
One of the prayers of our Prophet, God bless and grant him peace, every day was,
“O God, I seek refuge in You from your anger and the fire, and I ask You for Your pleasure and Your paradise.”
@ Lilamynah The REVERT
The co-existence of fear, hope, and love is necessary to maintain the balance which is required in islam. Without love and hope we will not embark on the journey of righteousness, and without fear we will not exercise caution and care needed for the journey.
Why nasheedh wants the jesuits to come here? He said this in his denmark speech. Anyone care to explain
Why would our loving, merciful and forgiving God want us to always fear him?
Brother/Sister Revert, How wonderful that Allah Guided us to Him. May Allah Guide us to the truth. We are so pleased for you. You are one of those who is given the good news that on saying the Shahada your slate is wiped clean. What a Merciful Creator is our Lord.
I would like to share with you advice given to me by a much loved teacher. He advised me to never loose sight of the fact that Allah not only Created man but also in His Mercy provided Guidance by His revelation of Koran to mankind. So my teacher warned me to ,always make the effort to know Allah by the attributes that Allah revealed of His self.
When Man tries to introduce his own understanding, reasoning and logic, ignoring revelation - an understanding which is always tainted with his own ego, he runs the great risk of predicating to Allah that which is his own egoistic wishful thinking.
The question in boldface above is like asking a question like “Did your brother give birth to a boy?” Consider that if Allah Wills anything it of necessity IS. For we see in Suratul Ya Sin -
[36.82] His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to it: Be, so it is.
Thus "Fear of Allah" involves more than meets the eye and like everything concerning Allah needs to be examined with extreme caution if we do not wish to Err.
The fact is that when you contemplate on Allah, meditate on His revealed Attributes you are filled with Love, Hope, Longing and fear of Allah – borne out of Knowledge of Allah.
May Allah Guide Us and I hope that this has been helpful to you. Please do remember us in your prayers to Allah, because we sense you are by Allah’s Grace special. Thx
@ Anonn
“I shall share it to educate."
Muslims talk about the Prophet of Islam pboh, and the 1st Generation of Muslims the Companions rad with so much of nostalgia but do very little more than put them on a pedestal.
I read your comment and was reminded of the words of Lady Aisha the wife of the Prophet of Islam pboh how she recalled that the Prophet Pboh was like a walking Koran. His Companions observed his every action with the intension of COPYING him because Allah had ordered them to follow the Prophet. They knew that if they answered Allah’s Orders consciously they would be richly rewarded in their life after death. We then learn that the Companions were instructed to share with those not present what they had witnessed of the prophets example. Also the Companions knew that on passing on what they saw and another adopting the Prophet pboh’s example he the transmitter too would be rewarded again for the other Companions heeding of Allah’s ORDERS TO FOLLOW THE PROPHET.
OMG! How Beneficent! How Merciful, Is Our Lord! Every man and woman in that age had the REWARDS of Allah as motivation to emulate the Prophet Pboh answering Allah’s orders to imitate his Messenger. Is it any wonder that in that Generation the Companions were like 2 hands washing the dirt on the other and every companion was a mirror for his brother or sister to look into? In this world view is it ANY WONDER that the Companions practised the Golden Principle – To want for his/her brother what he/she wanted for self?
Thus Observation, Sharing what they saw of the Prophet Pboh made the Companions Members of the Best of Communities – Embracing the Love and Obeying their Creator and His Messenger & so taking the middle path of Doing Good and avoiding Evil. Every Companion knew from the verses of the holy Koran that Good would bring them immense reward beyond all Comprehension and Evil would take them to suffering and ruin beyond imagination.
From the example of Allah’s Messenger they were like travellers in this world using this world as the means to earn the rewards of the hereafter. Let’s wake up to the fact time is short and that it’s not enough to put that Generation on a Pedestal. We need to consciously to Copy that Generation –vying to win Allah’s favour.
For those who will immediately say we should do things not for reward or fear of Allah BUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALLAH, I like to ask them to ask themselves the question IF they knew of a BABY THAT DID a 100 meters dash like Usain Bolt?
Jesuits; Just An Analogy
Say i was giving a speech about freedom and independence nd how the capitalist societies are holding us their slaves nd then i go on to say "a mahatma gandhi need to come up quickly" what wud that mean? Ebunaa echeh ga maana akee hindhoo dheenuge, boluga faiy neh, mahatuma gandhee namakah kiyaa meehaku annaashey tha?
O say some poet in Male' he says in one of his speech that true lovers are rare in this country and "the Romeos nd the Juliets need to come up quickly" meega ebunany christian dheenuge Romeo akaa juliet eh ge vaahaka tha noony, loabi verin ge vaahaka tha?
Jesuits is a christians society which boasts for "practicality and unflappability" in the service of its motto: Ad Maiorem Dei gloriam (for the greater glory of God). Equally well known is the Jesuits' reputation as educators – giving rise to the adage: "Give me a child of seven, and I will show you the man. Ehen gothakah bunaa nama christianun ge radical goiy gandu dhookoh, thankolheh practical aspect akun visnaa kamah dauvaa kuraa group eh ei.
To emphasise my point: An old joke among them tells of a Franciscan(christianun ge sect eh), a Dominican(christianun ge sect eh) and a Jesuit(christianun ge sect eh) who are arrested during the Russian revolution for spreading the Christian, capitalist gospel, and thrown into a dark prison cell. In a bid to restore the light, each man reflects on the traditions of his own order. The Franciscan decides to wear sackcloth and ashes and pray for light. Nothing happens. The Dominican prepares and delivers an hour-long lecture on the virtue of light. Nothing happens. Then the Jesuit gets up and mends the fuse. The light comes on.
Anni dhekki vaahakaa ga eyna dhekky radical muslimun ge vaahaka dhakkaafa ekan hallu kuran jehey kamah bunefa dhen mi bunany, "or rather the jesuits need to come up quickly"; dhen ehen v ma e bunany aharumen muslimun ge therey thankolheh practical koh visnaa meehun nukunna eba jeheyekey nun tha. Anni tv ga ves buni gothah, beys libey tho ves dua kuran jehey, faruvalibeytho ves dua kuran jehey adhi shifa dhevvaa tho ves dua kuran eba jehey. Miyah ingireysin kiyaa ulheny analogy ekay. Bayaku meehunna aharumen faalhu ga jesuits kiyaa christians group eh mithanah gennan thaeedhu kurany kamah heevany nama ei hama kuh hiyyeh
Eyna vaahaka dhekky christians audience akaa emeehunna faseyhain nagai ganevey kahala analogy eh e negy.
“Anni dhekki vaahakaa ga eyna dhekky radical muslimun ge vaahaka dhakkaafa ekan hallu kuran jehey kamah bunefa dhen mi bunany, "or rather the jesuits need to come up quickly"; dhen ehen v ma e bunany aharumen muslimun ge therey thankolheh practical koh visnaa meehun nukunna eba jeheyekey nun tha.”
1. Who in Maldives are the Radical Muslims that Anni and you refer to?
2. Who is a Radical Muslim? Who in Maldives fits the bill?
What are the 4 most pressing problems facing Maldives today before any other socio-economic consideration?
1. Gangs
2. Runaway Crime Rates,
3. Massive Drug Problem
4. Alcohol Related Problems
So :-) we need “the Jesuits to come up quickly” to fix these problems with their practicality?
How successful have the Jesuits been with all their practicability to solve the problems of Alcohol and Drug abuse and all the associated problems in their Western lands that @jasmine invokes in her piece?
Please produce one world authority that sites the Jesuits being successful in tackling any of the major socio-economic problems in any country of the world – East or West? Isn't it a fact that Jesuits biggest contribution was linked closely with Colonialism?
Why don’t you accept the obvious? That Anni in Denmark in his eagerness to win Support and financing for him and his party made a politically expensive mistake.
The speech invoking the bogeyman of “Radical Muslims in Maldives” and inviting the Jesuits in analogy or otherwise; as Anni & his advisors cynically calculated won him the overwhelming strong support of the West but cost him the Presidency.
The undeniable fact is that Anni failed to muster 6,000 votes in 3 attempts. He certainly lost my backing and vote. Anni would win overwhelming support of the electorate if he works to establish firmly our Islamic heritage hand in hand with his dreams for Maldives. Of course he would loose the support of the Jesuits and the Western leaders but he Insha Allah will win back the Presidency he lost.
Three Presidents - MAG, President Nasheed and President Waheed all 3 lost the seat due to Islam related issues. heee hee hee Will President Yamin take lessons?
@ Anology @ Asif
Question: "Who are the Jesuits, and what do they believe?"
The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits is the propagation of the Catholic faith by any means possible.
Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish nobleman and intended to have a career as a professional soldier. A cannonball shattered his leg in 1521, and his career was shattered with it. During his long recovery at the castle of Loyola, he spent much time reading religious books, fasting and praying. As a result of these studies, Ignatius decided to become a soldier of Christ, and hung up his sword at the altar of Mary in Montserrat. From 1522 to 1534, Loyola traveled to monasteries and schools, studying and praying in preparation for a life consecrated to Christ. Toward the end of his graduate studies at the University of Paris, he and six friends who had been meeting for times of extended prayer and meditation vowed to continue their companionship after graduation by living in evangelical poverty and traveling as missionaries to Jerusalem. When war between the Turks and Venice prevented their passage to Jerusalem, they determined to work in the cities of northern Italy. Loyola presented his plan for service to the Vatican and received a papal commission from Pope Paul III in 1540, with Loyola receiving a lifetime appointment as General.
With the threat of Islam spreading across the Mediterranean region, the Jesuits' first focus was the conversion of Muslims. Shortly after the founding of the order, their focus shifted to counteracting the spread of Protestantism. The Counter-Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries was largely due to the Jesuits. With their vows of total obedience to the Pope and their strict, military-style training, the Jesuits became feared across Europe as the “storm troopers” of the Catholic Church, and they led armies which recaptured large areas for the Roman Catholic Church. Along with the military actions, their work centered on education and missionary expansion, and by the end of Loyola's life in 1556, there were Jesuits in Japan, Brazil, Ethiopia, and most parts of Europe. Many of the explorers of that period were accompanied by Jesuit priests, eager to bring Catholicism to new lands.
The Jesuits are still active in the world today, though the military actions of those early years have been left behind. The goal of spreading the Catholic faith is still their primary objective, and they do it through missionary work and education.
oh noooooo again politics?
The Holy Quran, 2.219: They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider.
The Holy Quran, 5.90: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.
The Holy Quran, 5.91: Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?
The Great Success Of The Jesuits in the USA
In addition to morbidity, the alcohol and drug scene is closely connected to the crime rate.
In 1985 alone 800,000 arrests were made for drug violations (compared to 400,000 in 1973). Of the 523,000 inmates in the U.S. prisons, one-third admitted drinking alcohol before committing the felony.
Of the 50,000 auto accidents deaths annually, 23,000 are related to acute alcoholism, 5,000 being teenagers.
In addition about 1500,000 arrests occur annually in traffic violation due to alcoholism.
In addition great man-made disasters have taken place due to one man's alcohol indulgence i.e. the captain of the Exxon tanker in Alaska. No wonder, the ethics committee in US congress was so careful in choosing the Defence Secretary.
My contribution to this nice blog...
"Khamar (intoxicants) is the mother of all evils". Reported in Bukhari.
I think it not right to exploit religion for political ends. After all religion is our effort to come to a relationship with God and it varies from individual to individual. The use of religion to advance personal agendas of people with power at the expense of ordinary people makes it the opium of the masses. It is revolting.
"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it....Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity." -H.G. Wells
What attracts me MOST to Islam is Islam’s moral system. It is striking in that it not only defines morality, but also guides the human race in how to achieve it, at both an individual as well as a collective level.
Islam not only condemns Adultery, Fornication, discourages bastard children, Condemn degradation of women as sex objects-servicing the lust of men and frown on the breakup of families BUT ALSO shows a practical way out of all these problems.
Welcome back sister Jasmine. We missed you. I'm offering rewards for the most number of correct answers for my quizzies. hee hee heeee
Who said?
"Be like a bee; anything he eats is clean, anything he drops is sweet and any branch he sits upon does not break."
@ revert
"The love and continuous awareness of God and the Day of Judgment enables man to be moral in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication" - Key to success. there is no mention of fear at all.
Blunder,mistake or whatevere its is the bottom line is he wasn't inviting the "Nasora dheenuge lashkar" to come here and wipe off islam. And Asif; its true that we do have "nasora dheen fathuran beynun vaa" sort of people, and its also true that we do have "harukashi fikuruge radical" muslims among us. Read through this blog and you'll know what I mean. I think sister Jasmine has done a good job in collecting the proofs over the past few years.
No! I didnt come here to give you a few names! but I'll advice you to read the news, do a little dauwah, talk to people, get to know them, find a friend who works in police, ask them about the people whom they call "dot". Sultan park bomb, the involvement in the mumbai attack, arrests made on the attempted bomb attack on godown cafe.
Dear Asif, I remember a sort of "Harukashi fukuruge radical" muslim who used to come here a lot. Radical because anyone who doesnt agree with him easily becomes a "kaafir". A real hardcore takfiri! Nd its a strange coincidence that he also had the same screen name.I mean his actions in the blogosphere might qualify him as "radical".
Regarding your "most pressing" socio-economic problems I have no clue as to what needs to come up quick the jesuits/practicality/common sense/education or an economist it is but I sincerely do hope the economist to come up with the proper narative to tackle these problems.
"The day that neither wealth nor sons will be of any benefit except for he who comes to Allah with a pure heart."
- Qur'an, 26:89
When a person points with one finger at someone 4 fingers are pointing at himself
this cow milked dry
"When a believer is praised, he works harder, because he knows it [the praise] is always more than he deserves but when a hypocrite is praised he become lazy because he is pleased that people think good things about him".
@Anon ... Another beauiful Hadith
A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and said, “I have a chest complaint.” The Prophet put his hand on the man’s chest and said, “You have a heart problem. Go and visit Harith al-Kindi because he is a doctor.” Ibn Khaldun, the great historian, commented on this hadith by saying, “The Prophet didn’t come to teach us medicine but to give us the principles of health.”
"It is not befitting for a believing man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision." [Soorah al-Ahzaab (33):36]
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree, raHimahullaah, said: "The excellence of knowledge is due only to the fact that it causes a person to fear and obey Allaah, otherwise it is just like anything else." [Related by ibn Rajab]
Al-Hasan al-Basree, raHimahullaah, said: "Whoever learns something in the name of Allaah, seeking that which is with Him, he will win. And whoever learns something for other than Allaah, he will not reach the goal, nor will his acquired knowledge bring him closer to Allaah." [Related by Ibn ul Jawzee]
Ibn Mas`ood, raDiallaahu `anhu, said: "True knowledge is not measured in relationship to how much you memorize and then narrate, but rather, true knowledge is an expression of piety [protecting oneself from what Allaah prohibited and acting upon what He mandated]."Also, "Study and act upon what you learn." [Related by Abu Na`eem]
When the Ottoman Empire attempted to reform in the 1800s along European lines, French educational advisors persuaded Ottoman educators to prize science and math over liberal arts. The result was that the most intelligent students were encouraged to pursue the sciences. Medicine and engineering began to be seen as the most important and valuable jobs.
This system lives on today in the Arab world, where only students who score the highest in their Tawjihi or Baccalaureate exams in secondary school are given the opportunity to pursue careers in medicine and engineering. The students who score the lowest are allowed to study education, religion, and literature
@ Lost Islamic History
This is also seen in our own country. The most capable, intelligent and students passing the GCE with the best results are drawn to Medicine and Engineering. Its the interlectually weak who have mediocre results at the GCE O/L who can afford only a weak madrassa education in the subcontinental region goes on to study the religious sciences.
The result is that Islamic thought is interlectually weak and stymied. In the Golden days the rulers encouraged Islamic scholarship and attracted the cream of society and so Islamic Sciences saw monumental achievements. Perhaps first and foremost we need leaders who are mindful of their Creator and Blessed with Islamic insight. This is lacking in Muslim lands, for now.
How they treat the women and how the women want to b treated:
from time to time i stil re-read this blog.. Loved it :)
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After 7yrs I came back to reread some posts.
May Allah bless all of you brother & sisters -Ameen-
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