Monday, November 24, 2008
Yes. Today’s events show us that no matter how rich you get, no matter how powerful you get there is one tryst that you cannot postpone or cancel. That is your meeting with death.
Since we all have this appointment coming up, it’s well worth finding out about death. Mmmmmmmmmm the literature available out there from reliable sources is to put mildly very limited. I can refer anyone who would like to know more about this subject to the Glorious Koran and Hadis.
In the Koran and Hadis, Allah who decides the hour, time and circumstances of ones death give you startling details regarding death and thereafter. The very first minute one’s soul leaves his/her body, one discovers that one enters a new dimension .........
- where he/she is very much aware of all the happenings around him….. The Koran that teaches the fundamentals of Islam explains “death” as follows: “Every SOUL will taste DEATH!” And Also .... And the stupor of death will bring Truth (before his eyes): "This was the thing which thou wast trying to escape!"
Following is a saying of prophet Mohammed - pboh about death as the great Islamic Scholar and Sufi Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi recounts it in his book titled “Marifatname (Book of Gnosis):"
“The deceased (one who tasted death) knows those who washed his body, who shrouded the corpse, who performed the funeral service for him, who attended his funeral procession, who descended the corpse into the grave and who prompted over his grave! “
“Do not cry out by slapping your cheeks and tearing your clothes beside the deceased for he is tortured by your wailing!” ---- This shows that he will be seeing and feeling troubled of the others' emotional states. Examining other sources -----
Omar r.a observing how the prophet spoke of the dead, and how he spoke to the dead …….. asked: “O RasulAllah! How do you address people already cadaverous?” RasulAllah replied: “I swear by Whom in whose hands Mohammed's soul is that you are no better than they at hearing what I say!”
Very soon; as we learn from elsewhere in available lit, the dead person would have to make the journey to his/her grave. On this last journey we are told family with friends, his wealth and his action – good and bad would all go with him to the grave. Alas! Not to stay.
When the last mounds of earth hit him, 6 feet under, with an impregnable darkness descending on him, everyone prepares to leave. ALL LEAVE. Not quite, all leave except his/her actions. Lo! and behold! One would discover that one is conscious - in another dimension!
You! - would really feel the oppressiveness of the damp, dark, confines of this terrible abode. The worms, the centipedes and the bacteria are already tearing your flesh apart. And as if that’s not enough you are acutely aware of these two angels whose names you will discover (if not known to you already) are Munker and Nakir.
There in the grave, they would conduct your interrogation – That which was forewarned by the prophet -pboh. The first questions being - Who is your Lord? And who is your messenger?
…………….Then depending on your answers, By Allah’s WILL, you would live in REAL TIME the trials of the Grave which are severe, oppressive and so pregnant with threats for those who reject Allah and WHO ARE FORGETFUL of Allah. The reality of death and the life beyond is described in some detail in the Koran and Hadis in some detail.
I have selected but a few snippets of information, for this reminiscence on death. I hope that you would read and by Allah’s Grace, think of your inevitable death and so do your own research into death, life in the Grave, Life in the World of grave, and . World of Barzakh Life. This is the dimension of life which is experienced by the martyrs (shahid) who have died on the path to “ALLAH”.
I hope I would pique your curiosity enough for you to verify what I write, and even better to read the Koran and Hadis yourself, with the subject of death and what follows after death, in mind. If you are lazy, then, at least ask someone who has taken the time to read the Koran and Hadis himself and in whom you see his life changed for the better.
An acid test that I use myself is to see how much the person spends time in prayer to Allah, whilst most sleep - a sign of sincerity, piety and TAQWA. Also observe his appearence, dress, manner of speech, behaviour and how reacts with his fellow human beings and his Muslim brother. All these would reflect his humilty before Allah.
I will now share with you, a few more bits and pieces of information that I gleaned, when I did my own research………. Othman r.a, answered: “As I have heard from RasulAllah, the grave is certainly the first of stations in the next world! If a person is freed from there, it will be easier to be released from the others to come. If he fails to become free from there, the others to come will then be fiercer!”. Othman –r.a then continued: RasulAllah said that: “I have never seen a TERRIBLE sight worse than that in a grave!”
Standing by the grave of Sadd bin Muaz who was a leading Islamic figure and martyr for the Islam (shahid), RasulAllah (salla’llahu aleyhe wasallam) once said: “Such a distinguished servant was he that heaven trembled and its doors were opened for him and thousands of angels came on earth. Even he felt so squeezed into the grave that his bones almost crackled! If it were possible to escape from the torment of the grave and the afflictions after death, it would first have been bestowed on Sadd! He was immediately delivered from such afflictions owing just to the spiritual state he had reached; that is all
It was once asked of Hazrat Nabi: “O RasulAllah! Who is the most aware and conscious among the believers?” He answered: “Those who most often remember what befalls a man on death and who prepare themselves doing their best for such a life beyond death. They are the wisest, the most conscious and aware ones."
In another statement he noted that: “The most conscious and the most farther-sighted man is he who makes himself (his soul) subject to divine orders and who deals with the deeds that will bring benefit after death. Weak is he who remains dependent on his own (selfish) desires and then expects favor from ALLAH!”
Ibn Masud who was among the companions (ashab) of RasulAllah, tells the following about the torment in grave: “As I have heard from RasulAllah: “Sinners will surely be exposed to the punishment (azab) of the grave; the beasts even have a sense of hearing their cries.”
Narrated Abu Said al Khudri: RasulAllah (salla’llahu aleyhe wasallam) notified: “The unbeliever is obsessed by ninety nine monsters in his grave, each biting and stinging him until Doomsday. If any one of them had ever breathed over the earth, no grass would ever be able to grow then!”
Narrated Ibn Omar radhi'allahu ahn: RasulAllah notified: “When anyone of you dies, he is shown his place both by day and night. If he is one of the people of paradise; he is shown his place in it, and if he is from the people of Hell-Fire, he is shown his place there-in. Then it is said to him: ‘This is your place till ALLAH will resurrect (baa'th) you on the Day of Resurrection!”
Abdullah bin Omar told about this point. During a talk with RasulAllah about two angels known as Munker and Nakir who examine people in their graves, Hz. Omar asked: “O RasulAllah! Are we going to be awake in the grave?” “Of course. The same as you are now!”
Lets now also hear Anas radhi'allahu ahn: …………………
“RasulAllah (salla’llahu aleyhe wasallam) said: When a servant is laid in his grave and his companions return, he even hears their footsteps leaving his grave. As they get away, two angels come up to him, make him sit up and then ask: ‘What did you used to say about this man named Mohammed?’ If he is a faithful believer, he will answer: ‘I bear witness that Mohammed is the servant of ALLAH and ALLAH's Messenger.’ On his answer, it will be said to him: ‘Have a look at your place in the Hell-Fire! ALLAH has replaced it for you with a place in Paradise.’" "RasulAllah added: He will then see his places both in Paradise and in Hell.
But if he is a non-believer or a hypocrite, (a Muslim by name,) he will answer: ‘I do not have a certain idea. . . nothing more than what the people used to say!’ It will be said to him: ‘Neither did you know nor take the guidance!’ Then he will be beaten by a mallet, and he will send such a cry that will be heard by whatever near to him except human beings and jinni!” (Bukhari)
Let’s summarize the few bytes of information that we have on death …..
* Human beings NEVER DIE, BUT TASTE DEATH; so his dimension of life changes.
* Therefore, awake is everybody when they are put into grave..
* So when DEATH is experienced, the person's perception of the external world still continues for some more time. Just the same as though he had been living within his biological body, he follows what is going on around himself, hears people's conversations and their wailing..
* During that period he feels as if a patient in a permanent vegetative state. He observes all events from outside, however he cannot communicate any response to the outside world.
Thus, ………......
Just like a man who is conscious of his environment and meantime falls into sleep into a world of dreams, someone in the grave perceives the occurrences inside his physical grave as well as outside. Meanwhile he is about to begin his journey into HIS OWN WORLD of GRAVE.
Right then two angels come up and ask three questions: “Who is your Lord?”, “Who is your Nabi?” and “What is your Book?” -
So when the drama of President Nasir unfolded before my eyes I couldn’t help but wonder, what he was feeling at the use of his earthly body as a monkey circus. Every knock and bump would have been felt as an excruciating agony and a punishment.
And in his honour were President Nasheed and Vice President Wahid. What shining examples of Godliness, piety and moral mountains! Poor President Nasir! How many hours had poor President Nasir had to endure the indignity of not being buried? What pain did he undergo to have his body desecrated - by embalming; only a few would know of what happens there - at the undertakers. (Those who read the Godfather by Mario Puzzo would know!).
How many Maldivians to date have undergone such disrespect on his dead body? How many Maldivians had the indignity of not being buried - 100% - as per Muslim custom? Who in Maldives ever had the indignity of having his dead body subjected to the customs of the Kuffar in death? THIS IS AN IGNOMIABLE FIRST – With all its implications.
Poor President Nasir – Ultimately that was his pathetic and painful end. Do you seriously think that President Nasir benefited in anyway from that circus? Did the people, the Govt and his family do any favors to President Nasir? – May God forgive and Bless him, and Grant him Allah’s Mercy.
Those of us who took part in this charade, Lets pray and beg Allah that in death our bodies, and those of our loved ones and all Muslims; are not subjected to the disrespect, agony and the ultimate horror of been treated in the customs of the Kuffar. Yes! Probably the only custom that all the Kafirs in the world irrespective of their varied beliefs; are united in, – subjecting their dead to the ultimate disrespect and pain of the undertakers needles, knife and saw.
WE HAVE SO MUCH TO LEARN IN DEATH. May Allah bless you, my reader. Please forgive me if I sound harsh. I sincerely pray to Allah that He Bless President Nasir. Let us remember Allah, and think of our own death – the only event that we are absolutely certain would take place, at the appointed time. Please do realize that any mistakes here are mine; please correct me if I’m wrong. Allah will Bless you for that.
Finally I leave with you one of the most beautiful and touching Hadis on brotherhood, that I find sooooooooo loving and oh! Sooooooooo touching in its simplicity…. God’s Messenger (God Bless him and give him peace!) said:
Yes, HELP!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A visitor to this blog: @November 7, 2008 10:55 PM asked the above question. It was an interesting question, that sent my mind racing, and the following thoughts raced thru my mind. Thank-you very much for your contribution to our circle. Please, those visiting this page, do take time to share your thoughts with us. I feel that we need to help each other to get closer to Allah. Maybe dear visitor, you have some advice received, an example lived, or some thoughts that occurred, that if u shared with us might help us. So pleases do help us.
I would greatly appreciate if you correct any mistakes I have made. I am fighting to try and be a better Muslim, and anyone out there who could or would help me get closer to Allah and thereby be a better Muslim; will, Insha Allah be rewarded by Allah. I pray to Allah that HE guides us all to HIM.
Why then, do we need to always think of God? – Mmmmmmmmm I think it’s a good question. The more I think about this, it seems to me that the real answer is "to achieve success in the other world". Yes! To avoid punishment in the world to come, and to gain reward and success in the next world". The Greatest reward and pleasure in the next world is to be in Allah’s Presence and to behold Allah’s Wajuhfullu.
It’s also a fact that, already in this world we derive great happiness and fulfillment when we think of Allah, with the object of wanting to obey Allah and getting close to him, and thus some act. I concede that this subjective feeling “good” in this world is not unique to Islam. Every devotee in this world experiences this upliftment; consequent to him/her doing what he thinks is good.
So what’s different, or even unique in Islam?
Even if this feeling "good" is experienced; AN OBJECTIVE GUARANTEE, in the form of an undisputed text from Allah making absolutely clear that obeying Allah would result in achieving the ultimate success and endless bliss in the next world is found only in Islam.
This Objective Guarantee is in the form of DIRECT TEXTS OF UNDISPUTED ORIGIN FROM ALLAH HIMSELF. Where else but in Islam, do you have historically verifiable authenticated texts where God speaking directly in the first person, speaks directly to human beings, informing them that to achieve success in the next world a person has to OBEY ALLAH without any intermediary?
Agreed ,Yes! Devotees of all religions experience some happiness by their adorations, and their actions –
- Sometimes adoring crows, monkeys, and statues of different shapes and color.
- Sometimes using sacrifices of animals and even human sacrifice.
- The vast majorities of Christians for example derive great pleasure in enacting the motions of eating human flesh and drinking human blood and derive intense peace and pleasure from such simulation of cannibalism.
If one is scrupulously objective, and willing to do the needed research, one would readily discover that people do their varied adorations without any supporting text of indisputable origin (texts coming from those that they worship) that their acts of adoration to them, would guarantee the devotees of any success in the next world.
This is an important point and I stress upon it.
- Is their a text from the crow, monkey or some statue that expressly guarantee them their hopes?
- Is there any undisputed text from the man whose flesh and blood people simulate eating and drinking that guarantees happiness in the next world solely because he/she simulates cannibalism?
In Islam we have hundreds of authenticated texts from Allah that Guarantees the ultimate success in the next world by obeying Allah, and ONLY ALLAH. THUS, THIS IS UNIQUE IN ISLAM – This Guarantee. So these feeling of “GOOD”, “LOOK OF SATISFACTION”, “LOOK OF RAPTURE” that one often see in people in worship in this world means nothing AS FAR AS THE NEXT WORLD IS CONCERNED.
As to the question….. We have brains. Why can’t we lead good lives without religion?
Actually I would perhaps reword the question…. Why can’t we lead good lives without Islam? I think by now the answer is obvious.
What is good? Sometimes something one sees as good for himself could be bad for another.
- Take the example of Al Qaieda. Its leader and followers thought it was “GOOD” to kill hundreds of Men women and children in Sept. 11th.
- President Truman and millions of Americans thought it good to Incinerate thousands of Japanese old men, women and children when the 2nd. War was already coming to an end with Japan on the verge of capitulating.
- Winston Churchill and millions of Britons thought it Good to fire bomb Dresden killing thousands mostly old men, women and children.
Further, what could one say of the brigand who kills and loots to amass money, and then give charity to the poor?
What could you say of the countries who got rich by centuries of colonization and the looting of wealth of different countries for centuries and then giving out aid, from the fruits of tainted wealth – aid; very often with strings attached. Is that aid --- good?
What could you say of the action of countries that deprive a good price for raw materials, of poor countries and then sell finished products at mmmm exorbitant market prices. And then give aid to those countries they helped impoverish. Is that good?
What about the mafia don, the outlaw who distributes money in charity? Good?
ON THE ONE HAND ----- who in his right mind would contemplate recompensing an outlaw? A person who rejects his/her creator and refuses to obey his/her creator is nothing but an outlaw and a traitor. Such a criminal forfeits most of his rights, and deserves nothing, better than the punishment meted out by the law, he rejects. Take a look at how criminals and traitors are treated in different parts of the world.
Look at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo bay. That’s the result of being a traitor – rejecting the law of USA. It is indeed the mercy of the Creator, that those who deny Him is granted so much mercy in this world – all that he needs to live and self realize in life. He/she goes to the next world with the baggage of being the ultimate traitor by rejecting His/her Creator in spite of all the mercies showered on him. His reward in the hereafter Allah knows best.
ON THE OTHER HAND, ----- who is to decide what is good? The examples above I examined not to be bash some one time colonial countries, and USA; but to show you that we cannot say what really is good without some reference point.
- Giving 5 pounds to someone maybe good. But that’s just one aspect.
- Those 5 pounds could be stolen - that’s one aspect.
- Those 5 pounds could have come by killing; that’s another aspect.
- The 5 pounds could be given thinking of the condition of the person to whom it’s given – that’s also an aspect.
- The 5 pounds could be given to show off to others – that’s too is another aspect.
- The 5 pounds could be given because he felt pity – that’s a possibility.
- The 5 pounds was given thinking he would get 10 pounds later.
- That 5 pounds could be given thinking that it’s one’s duty because the Creator who gave it to him orders him to give it, to whom Allah has tested by giving less – that’s another aspect.
Thus the so called good actions are after all relative to one’s intentions, and his/her condition. How appropriate that the very first Hadis in Sahih Bukhari does indeed address this point….
Volume 1, Book 1, Number 1:
Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for."
So, coming back to the question ----- …. Why can’t we LEAD GOOD LIVES without Islam?
The answer is that leading a “good” life after all is not enough, if one was to consider the hereafter. No doubt, rejecting Allah makes one an outlaw and a traitor in relation to Allah’s Law, and so forfeiting all rights. In one word a traitor and an outlaw is proscribed.
The next question is to examine what is “good”. What we might consider is good is not something that’s similar to the notion of black and white. It’s all relative to one’s intention, or being within the law or being a traitor or outlaw, at the very start.
As recorded in Muslim….
Allah does not wrong anyone. A believer is rewarded both here and in the hereafter. A disbeliever is rewarded in this world for all of his good deeds. Thus when he goes to the hereafter, he has no (more) deeds for which he can be rewarded there.
I think this makes it abundantly clear, why it’s just not enough to just mmmm do “good deeds”. There is the Hereafter. That’s what really counts, the hereafter. Put in another way its about 110 years maximum Vs ETERNITY.
The (example of the) value of this world in comparison to (that of) the hereafter is as if you dip a finger in the ocean and then pull it out. So see how much water sticks to it. – Muslim.
Allah Akbar! Observe these 2 beautiful Hadis. In just a nut-shell you see the Islamic position made clear in crystal clear certainty. :-) You see the economy of words, and grandeur of ideas elucidated with such mind jarring force, that one exclaims… Subhanallahi! It’s indeed guidance from Allah! The King of Kings, the master of the Day of Judgment.
In Conclusion I have this final report to share with u my friends in Islam, and a quote from the miracle of miracles – the holy Koran.
Jabir reported that the Prophet (sal) said Allah has sent me to complete the most virtuous of morals and to perfect all good actions. Sharih as Sunnah. – Sharih as-Sunnah.
"….He has not placed any Hardship upon you in Religion…"
[Qur’an 22:78]
Subhaanallahi! May Allah guide us.
Monday, November 3, 2008
In The Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate.

Are you someone born into a religion? and because of that a follower of that religion? Its almost like the 10p coin struck in a pocket of your favorite jumper suit. Its there but you don't really know that its there. You go about life, sometimes at a snail's pace, sometimes at a trot; sometimes happy and then troubled or sad.
Life ticks on, success here, failure there and in limbo now and then. Life is very much a breeze, a blast!!! and what the circumstances bring one now and then. In short life just goes on! For many of us life is just “ME”. Yes! ONLY "ME".
These are just thoughts. If you kinda think in these lines, then I'm so happy you tumbled onto this space. Maybe you have something to offer a heart in turmoil. Maybe in your giving, you will receive much. Who knows?
I often wonder what makes the devotee on his knees on the hard cold pew of some magnificent empty church so radiate with that inner glow. I wonder what transforms the faces of a mother and daughter; before a mesmerizingly ecstataic Buddha statue, into radiant inner peace. How can one help but wonder about the devotee so obviously in rapture before a deity extraordinary and captivating in Martian blue and an elegant elephant trunk?
Then in spite of the hullabaloo of life, one is dumbstruck with the beauty of a canopy that's so star studded and alive with pulsating vitality and mystery. How many of us have been captivated with the azure blue skies and the turquoise blue waters of the Maldives? Oh! The grace of those multi colored fish, and the strutting of the ubiquitous (in Maldives) of the Maakana. What a feast for any eyes that see!
I write! I think! I smile to myself! Am I able to portray this great disquiet thats nudging me on? If you feel anything of what I write, then it would be great to hear your thoughts too. Maybe together we could help each other. Mmmmmmmmmm I did not want to write so long. I promised myself just 5 lines.