Wednesday, November 12, 2008



A visitor to this blog: @November 7, 2008 10:55 PM asked the above question. It was an interesting question, that sent my mind racing, and the following thoughts raced thru my mind. Thank-you very much for your contribution to our circle. Please, those visiting this page, do take time to share your thoughts with us. I feel that we need to help each other to get closer to Allah. Maybe dear visitor, you have some advice received, an example lived, or some thoughts that occurred, that if u shared with us might help us. So pleases do help us.

I would greatly appreciate if you correct any mistakes I have made. I am fighting to try and be a better Muslim, and anyone out there who could or would help me get closer to Allah and thereby be a better Muslim; will, Insha Allah be rewarded by Allah. I pray to Allah that HE guides us all to HIM.

Why then, do we need to always think of God? – Mmmmmmmmm I think it’s a good question. The more I think about this, it seems to me that the real answer is "to achieve success in the other world". Yes! To avoid punishment in the world to come, and to gain reward and success in the next world". The Greatest reward and pleasure in the next world is to be in Allah’s Presence and to behold Allah’s Wajuhfullu.

It’s also a fact that, already in this world we derive great happiness and fulfillment when we think of Allah, with the object of wanting to obey Allah and getting close to him, and thus some act. I concede that this subjective feeling “good” in this world is not unique to Islam. Every devotee in this world experiences this upliftment; consequent to him/her doing what he thinks is good.

So what’s different, or even unique in Islam?

Even if this feeling "good" is experienced; AN OBJECTIVE GUARANTEE, in the form of an undisputed text from Allah making absolutely clear that obeying Allah would result in achieving the ultimate success and endless bliss in the next world is found only in Islam.

This Objective Guarantee is in the form of DIRECT TEXTS OF UNDISPUTED ORIGIN FROM ALLAH HIMSELF. Where else but in Islam, do you have historically verifiable authenticated texts where God speaking directly in the first person, speaks directly to human beings, informing them that to achieve success in the next world a person has to OBEY ALLAH without any intermediary?

Agreed ,Yes! Devotees of all religions experience some happiness by their adorations, and their actions –

  • Sometimes adoring crows, monkeys, and statues of different shapes and color.
  • Sometimes using sacrifices of animals and even human sacrifice.
  • The vast majorities of Christians for example derive great pleasure in enacting the motions of eating human flesh and drinking human blood and derive intense peace and pleasure from such simulation of cannibalism.

If one is scrupulously objective, and willing to do the needed research, one would readily discover that people do their varied adorations without any supporting text of indisputable origin (texts coming from those that they worship) that their acts of adoration to them, would guarantee the devotees of any success in the next world.

This is an important point and I stress upon it.

  • Is their a text from the crow, monkey or some statue that expressly guarantee them their hopes?
  • Is there any undisputed text from the man whose flesh and blood people simulate eating and drinking that guarantees happiness in the next world solely because he/she simulates cannibalism?

In Islam we have hundreds of authenticated texts from Allah that Guarantees the ultimate success in the next world by obeying Allah, and ONLY ALLAH. THUS, THIS IS UNIQUE IN ISLAM – This Guarantee. So these feeling of “GOOD”, “LOOK OF SATISFACTION”, “LOOK OF RAPTURE” that one often see in people in worship in this world means nothing AS FAR AS THE NEXT WORLD IS CONCERNED.

As to the question….. We have brains. Why can’t we lead good lives without religion?
Actually I would perhaps reword the question…. Why can’t we lead good lives without Islam? I think by now the answer is obvious.

What is good? Sometimes something one sees as good for himself could be bad for another.

  • Take the example of Al Qaieda. Its leader and followers thought it was “GOOD” to kill hundreds of Men women and children in Sept. 11th.
  • President Truman and millions of Americans thought it good to Incinerate thousands of Japanese old men, women and children when the 2nd. War was already coming to an end with Japan on the verge of capitulating.
  • Winston Churchill and millions of Britons thought it Good to fire bomb Dresden killing thousands mostly old men, women and children.

Further, what could one say of the brigand who kills and loots to amass money, and then give charity to the poor?

What could you say of the countries who got rich by centuries of colonization and the looting of wealth of different countries for centuries and then giving out aid, from the fruits of tainted wealth – aid; very often with strings attached. Is that aid --- good?

What could you say of the action of countries that deprive a good price for raw materials, of poor countries and then sell finished products at mmmm exorbitant market prices. And then give aid to those countries they helped impoverish. Is that good?

What about the mafia don, the outlaw who distributes money in charity? Good?

ON THE ONE HAND ----- who in his right mind would contemplate recompensing an outlaw? A person who rejects his/her creator and refuses to obey his/her creator is nothing but an outlaw and a traitor. Such a criminal forfeits most of his rights, and deserves nothing, better than the punishment meted out by the law, he rejects. Take a look at how criminals and traitors are treated in different parts of the world.

Look at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo bay. That’s the result of being a traitor – rejecting the law of USA. It is indeed the mercy of the Creator, that those who deny Him is granted so much mercy in this world – all that he needs to live and self realize in life. He/she goes to the next world with the baggage of being the ultimate traitor by rejecting His/her Creator in spite of all the mercies showered on him. His reward in the hereafter Allah knows best.

ON THE OTHER HAND, ----- who is to decide what is good? The examples above I examined not to be bash some one time colonial countries, and USA; but to show you that we cannot say what really is good without some reference point.

  • Giving 5 pounds to someone maybe good. But that’s just one aspect.
  • Those 5 pounds could be stolen - that’s one aspect.
  • Those 5 pounds could have come by killing; that’s another aspect.
  • The 5 pounds could be given thinking of the condition of the person to whom it’s given – that’s also an aspect.
  • The 5 pounds could be given to show off to others – that’s too is another aspect.
  • The 5 pounds could be given because he felt pity – that’s a possibility.
  • The 5 pounds was given thinking he would get 10 pounds later.
  • That 5 pounds could be given thinking that it’s one’s duty because the Creator who gave it to him orders him to give it, to whom Allah has tested by giving less – that’s another aspect.

Thus the so called good actions are after all relative to one’s intentions, and his/her condition. How appropriate that the very first Hadis in Sahih Bukhari does indeed address this point….
Volume 1, Book 1, Number 1:

Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for."

So, coming back to the question ----- …. Why can’t we LEAD GOOD LIVES without Islam?
The answer is that leading a “good” life after all is not enough, if one was to consider the hereafter. No doubt, rejecting Allah makes one an outlaw and a traitor in relation to Allah’s Law, and so forfeiting all rights. In one word a traitor and an outlaw is proscribed.

The next question is to examine what is “good”. What we might consider is good is not something that’s similar to the notion of black and white. It’s all relative to one’s intention, or being within the law or being a traitor or outlaw, at the very start.

As recorded in Muslim….
Allah does not wrong anyone. A believer is rewarded both here and in the hereafter. A disbeliever is rewarded in this world for all of his good deeds. Thus when he goes to the hereafter, he has no (more) deeds for which he can be rewarded there.

I think this makes it abundantly clear, why it’s just not enough to just mmmm do “good deeds”. There is the Hereafter. That’s what really counts, the hereafter. Put in another way its about 110 years maximum Vs ETERNITY.

The (example of the) value of this world in comparison to (that of) the hereafter is as if you dip a finger in the ocean and then pull it out. So see how much water sticks to it. – Muslim.

Allah Akbar! Observe these 2 beautiful Hadis. In just a nut-shell you see the Islamic position made clear in crystal clear certainty. :-) You see the economy of words, and grandeur of ideas elucidated with such mind jarring force, that one exclaims… Subhanallahi! It’s indeed guidance from Allah! The King of Kings, the master of the Day of Judgment.

In Conclusion I have this final report to share with u my friends in Islam, and a quote from the miracle of miracles – the holy Koran.

Jabir reported that the Prophet (sal) said Allah has sent me to complete the most virtuous of morals and to perfect all good actions. Sharih as Sunnah. – Sharih as-Sunnah.

"….He has not placed any Hardship upon you in Religion…"
[Qur’an 22:78]

Subhaanallahi! May Allah guide us.


Anonymous said...

You are long,uninteresting and with a lot of mumbo jumbo.

Looks as if you dont know what you write about. A real pain to read

Anonymous said...

Come on , give me a break

Anonymous said...

Interesting ideas. Like your choice of hadis. thanks

Anonymous said...

My mother asks me to share whatever I get.She tells me that the prophet shared everything he got with his companions.

She told me Muslims in Medina shared everything - even their homes too with guests from Mecca.

How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Yo are a clauset maumoonist.

Yaamyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yaamyn said...

All right Jasmine. That was a long and good read. Thank you for the effort!

However I DO have an objection, and I believe that original question remains unanswered.

While I guess it's good that you
'fight' to be a good Muslim, it's
sometimes necessary to see things
outside a clouded perspective. And you and I can both agree that religion can cloud some people's minds.
It's a disservice to God to refuse to think with the brains he's gifted us.
The Qur'an is as much as undisputed text as say the Bible or the Buddhist texts.

Of course, we claim that it's purity is unquestionable - and yet, there are disputers. The final, authorized version of the Qur'an after all was declared AFTER the prophet, and all other versions buried or burnt.

Now, Coming to Christians enacting the motions of eating human flesh' - by which you mean the bread and wine...

And yes, you mention the 'crows,
monkeys and statues'.

But then applying the 'scrupulous
objectivity' that you mention, How is this much different from our own rituals.. say 'stoning the devil' during the Hajj?

It's our own form of symbolism.. or enacting of a grisly ritual. Don't you think?
What about our obsession with the crescent and the dome - that have nothing to do with the prophet.. and are in fact, pagan in origin.

We, too revel, in symbolism.

And then, coming to the part where Good Muslims are at peace. I have a huge problem with this.

By my own definition, following Islam has more to do with following the WAY of Allah, submitting to his WILL that
he has declared in the Qur'an.. and to implement it in a manner most beneficial to herself/mankind.

And I believe I do that. This is strictly between God and Me. I follow his will. I'm relatively at peace. I have no regrets so far in life.


I have a bunch of bearded men in my country screaming at me from their podiums that I'm not a Muslim.

I have a bunch of bearded men who,
unlike me, DO NOT seem to be in peace ever.

I have an bunch of bearded in my
country who
a) IN contradiction to the Qur'an and the Hadith - openly spew Anti-Semitism, and teach me to hate Jews.

b) In contradiction to the Qur'an and Hadith - openly proclaim the imposition

of Islam on every man, woman and child, irrespective of their wishes.

c) In contradiction to the Qur'an and the Hadith - openly applaud violence on innocents - and call upon us, mere islanders with a fragile country, to GO and kill people in a far away country.

And all this in the name of Islam.
What a mockery! Blatant violation of the Qur'an and most basic Islamic principles of Peace and Understanding.. and they claim to represent Islam!

And one of those bearded men just took over the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in my country - which probably means that no matter how much I disagree with this guy, no matter HOW unislamic I think he is, HIS version of Islam is supposedly superior to Mine.

I protest!

I DO NOT believe in the hardline,
mindnumbing stupidity that they peddle in the name of my religion.

I DO NOT accept that a 13 year old gangraped child be stoned to death with the support of these characters to be carried out in the name of my religion.

YOu see, NOT everything done in the name of Islam is Islam.

I can say 'I"m climbing a ladder' and jump into a well.
Yet, I'd still be lying, even if I had a beard reaching my knees - or had three certificates from Al Azhar and Darul Deoband.. Sometimes, It takes basic common sense, rather than rhetoric to see a plain, simple truth.

And I put all these men in the same category of other virulent, violent, men who I believe carry out Unislamic acts - men like Bush, Mugabe, Milosevic, Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri, and thousand others.

I would rather be left to own devices, submit to Allah's will, not Adhaalat's will.

I already have the book in front of me. I don't need these middle eastern vermin shoving it down my throat.


I'd love to continue this debate with you.. but it's kind of getting tedious.

Just the other day, I just started debating on Bushry's blog.. and to what end?

Halfway through, they stopped discussing.. when they ran out of answers. Instead they fell back on the tired and irritating 'attacks on Islam!' alarmed calls.

(This despite the fact that I was presenting my message of peace, and ripping apart these Adhaalath 'scholars' arguments and stands with the most basic verses from the Qur'an and quoted Hadith)

Then Bushry started moderating comments and refused to publish any further.

That's THEIR way of concluding the debate! If you can't beat 'em, silence 'em!

And yes, preferrably brand them apostates and call for their murder. (Which incidentally, they support. Oh, and they banned Dr. Hassan Saeed's book. More evidence of my theory of 'Silence 'em!))


Yaamyn said...

Oh yes.. And I still wonder why I need to write 'Allah' in arabic, while i"m writing in Dhivehi..

If I raise a demand tomorrow to be given the freedom to write it in Thaana, will they demand my head? Or do I get a million lashes?

What does the religion say?


[Just one of many examples I'm willing to give you of how easily we're misled in the name of Religion.]

Yaamyn said...

And another question that these beards won't like to hear from me.

Can't I use 'Maaiy Raskalaange' or an equivalent to refer to God?

My ancestors used to - and they were pious people!

If not, then why do these other Muslims in Pakistan etc, call God 'Khudha' and get away with it?

I protest some more!

Jasmine said...

@ ----Yaamyn + readers

May Allah Bless you Yaamyn, (and my readers). I enjoyed reading your posts, and really noted some 14 -15 points raised. I must confess that my posts are written with a great deal of egoism in that I seek my reader’s guidance and help in getting to know and get close to Allah. I felt the need to stress that.

With that off my chest, I must say, that your post, Yaamyn, indeed made me meditate and I prayed that Allah Bless you, cos by your post I spend time contemplating on Allah and His works, which I probably wouldn’t have done – at that time - sans your post.

This is a swift post to acknowledge your post, and the assurances that I would give you “my thoughts” to the many points of interest you raised.

I also thank my other readers who contributed. I observe that I drew some negative comments; I appreciate their comments and would ask them to please share with us as to what I wrote, they took objection to. Maybe, with their help I might be corrected.

As Yaanyn always signs off, Peace!

:-) Jasmine

Anonymous said...

what a farce

Anonymous said...

From the book of Charity.
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others."

Anonymous said...

"People with knowledge and those who seek it are the only two groups of any use to humanity."

Anonymous said...

islam is peace
thanks for the hadis seen
please continue, I love this

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong in a beard? This is free country. Why cant one have a beard. If you dont want a beard dont have one.

The person seems to have some real probs with beards.

Jasmine said...

@ yaamyn – point 1 raised. You said …..
All right Jasmine. That was a long and good read. Thank you for the effort!
However I DO have an objection, and I believe that original question remains unanswered.

I assume the question you refer to is … WE HAVE BRAINS. WHY CAN’T WE LEAD GOOD LIVES WITHOUT A RELIGION? ……..

The answer to this question FOR ME, is … Because there is a hereafter. Due to the reality of the day of judgment, what is important is NOT WHAT I THINK IS GOOD. But WHAT ALLAH CONSIDERS AS GOOD.

Further in my post I tried to impress on you the fact that what we say is “good” is relative, and really a function of the extent of our knowledge, and Allah’s will. Please contemplate on Khaf surah, where Moses –pboh, meets Al Khidr. Simply put, what we might think to be good, might not turn out to be good, simply because of, Allahs Knowledge and Allah’s commandments.

In the final analysis, Yaamyn, it seems to me that whatever we do could be classified into one of the following…. 1. Do what “ I/we” want. 2. Do what “you” want, 3. Do what "he," "she," "it," and "they." Want and 4. Do what Allah wants.

From the point of view of the day of Judgement, To avoid punishment and to achieve the ultimate reward, WE HAVE TO DO WHAT ALLAH WANTS US TO DO.

I hope my point of view is clear. If I have made any mistakes those are mine, nothing to do with Islam, so pls correct me. Indeed Allah knows best.

Anonymous said...

thats well done, thanks. interesting points

Jasmine said...

@ Yaamyn – point 2 raised. You said …..

And you and I can both agree that religion can cloud some people's minds.
It's a disservice to God to refuse to think with the brains he's gifted us.

Yaamyn hear goes let me share my thoughts…….
Thank-you, Yaamyn for raising this issue. I agree that Karl Marx did say ‘Religion is the opium of Masses’. Let’s examine this position of his.

It’s very sad that we forget that Marx really resorted to a universally recognized short coming in the thinking process – that is GENERALIZATION.

He really had no way of really being in a position to know in depth of either Hinduism or Islam, just to mention 2 other religions. Yet, he being in a position to only know Christianity (that too is questionable) he generalized putting all the religions into one basket. That’s intellectual laziness and at best ignorance, or at worst an attempt at deceiving the masses.

Yes, one can try to see what Marx meant when he said “religion is opium of masses" – Just as opium gives imaginary relief to a person with seemingly to him unsolvable, painful, shattering problems; religion he says does this too. Marx probably felt when such a mixed up person prayed to God, he gets instant relief by simply taking for granted that God would help him.

Thus instead of the person addressing his problems and finding meaningful answers takes the easy way out, which placates him, but does nothing to address the fundamental issues at hand, that caused him distress.

Well this might apply to Christianity where you … “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”.

Such verses Effectually created a dichotomy in life, and opened the way to all sorts of situations where ultimately the ecclestial powers truly manipulated the masses and the people had to seek redress only after death.

Marx’s answer was Communism where redress was sort here and now.

Thus its no wonder that for Marx - His religion – Christianity equated to Opium – Historically the church manipulated the masses using Christianity to bring on huge burdens on the masses, and the masses accepted everything meted out assuming that they would receive their due after death. :-)

Marx couldn’t know Islam, from it’s sources. What he knew was rudimentary and coloured by the biased works of the orientalists who strived to denigrate islam and its last prophet –pboh.

The verse …

……surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition; ……….. SHAKIR: 013.011

Is more than enough to see that in Islam there is no question, of getting a quick fix, or to zonk oneself out of one’s state… Rather – One is called to first strive to change oneself, and then one can be certain that Insha Allah his help is not far.

Yes one cannot forget the prophetic tradition exhorting his followers to first tie the camel securely to the best of one’s ability.......

Islam stresses over and over again the necessary human effort to influence his condition. Islam does not teach man to be lazy and be in a haze. This is why in my original post I changed “Islam” for “religion”.

The fact about the matter is that "Religion" in western thought is fundamentally different to “Deen” in Islam. For Marx obviously, from his opium quote, I conclude that "Deen" is alien to him.

The former - What Marx reffers to as “religion” is in actual fact mumbo- jumbo with priests acting formally as intermediaries between man and God, giving their sermons, extolling people to bear and forget all hardships; in insense filled and candle lit churches. It's in this atmosphere that one goes into a confession box, where one on one with the priest who hears your confession of sin, and before you say "hey Presto" has forgiven you your sins, on behalf of God.

In Islam there is no such magic and manipulation of one's feelings by a priest. I'm using such a description to try and show you why and how Marx saw his Christianity as Opium of the masses. The fact is that the Church used its religion as a potent Opioid.

Deen is a way of life prescribed by Allah and this is there for all to see in the Koran and Hadis. There is no intermediary between God and man. God is, as the Koran says closer to one than his jugular vein. And as the Koran says Allah is All Living, All hearing, All Seeing, so there is no question of an intermediary between man and God.

Yaamyn u also said,,,
It's a disservice to God to refuse to think with the brains he's gifted us.

In answer I say, that when I read the Koran I’m absolutely struck by the amount of times Allah addresses to people who think, People who have knowledge, and how many times are we invited to observe and think, and reason. So in any discussion of Islam that question is really irrelevant.

Yes it’s a disservice to oneself and going against Allah’s commandments - "to think!" "To reflect!" - in short it's a religious duty to think, and to pursue knowledge.

Last but not least the Revelation started with the words ….. READ! And wasn’t it mentioned too ---- the pen!

Subhanallahi! Yaamyn, how amazingly beautiful. Oh! My God! Is it any wonder that rocks! Itself split and water gushes out, when contemplating on Allah! Subhanallahi! Subhanallahi! Subhanallahi!

Thank you! Dear Yaamyn! May Allah reward you. Will continue with yr other points later.

Anonymous said...

Your previous posting was kinda sweet. Many practical responses for day to day life. These argumentative contests are not of use. Please lets be practical. If you do that, this site will be good use to readers. A opinion from me.

Anonymous said...

Islam is not a opium. It wakens people up, to take responsibility for their actions. It teaches one to be awake to their duties to their parents, duties to their children, duties to their family members, duties to their friends, duties to their enemies and duties to their neighbours and duty to their guests and travellers.

how can Islam be like opium, when Islam stresses so much to be awake to ones duty.

Pls wake up from your haze jasmine and yamin.

Anonymous said...

I do not agree that koran is like other holy books.

Koran is different its from Creator, and is a miracle. Allah promised to protect it until end.

Pls dont deseiv us

Yaamyn said...

@anonymous, 8:49:

I don't think you have read either Jasmine's comments or mine.
Neither of us have said Islam is Opium. Jasmine was speaking against Marx's statement.

I'm still waiting for Jasmine's answer, like she has promised me.

Esp. for

1)The open contradiction of the Qur'an practised by the so-called (and self proclaimed) 'representatives' of Islam in our country - the Adhaalath sheikhs.
Surely, the apparent good vs. true good must apply to them too.

2) The freedom to write 'Allah' in my own language, which is quite qualified to do so. I don't see how that can contradict the religion.. we write it in English, Roman, Hindi, Turkish, Malayalam, Tamil, Sinhalese etc without committing blasphemy. Why not in thaana?

My problem here is more with the mindset, than the script. Our minds are imprisoned.. brainwashed,indeed to do utter bullshit in the name of religion - thanks to these so called 'scholars'. Making a mockery of the Islam, in the process!

I've had enough!

3) The substitution of our dhivehi language for Arabic, in the hopes of greater salvation. sheesh!
Thus, we can no longer refer to God as "Maaiy Kalaange' or 'Maaiy raskalaange' as we used to call it.

Again, it's not the language that i'm so concerned about... it's the slave mindset. Not to Allah, but to these self important 'scholars' who impose on us things that have hardly anything at all to do with Islam.
Just because we refuse to think for ourselves, and let these freaks think for us instead.

A disservice to God indeed!

Jasmine said...

Yaamyn u said…..
1)The open contradiction of the Qur'an practised by the so-called (and self proclaimed) 'representatives' of Islam in our country - the Adhaalath sheikhs.
Surely, the apparent good vs. true good must apply to them too.

I think …..
I think there is no question that any sheik, whoever he maybe is any different to any other Muslim when it comes to obeying Allah. We are all the same.

What Allah wants from us is clearly stated in the Koran and the Hadis. Sheik, king and ordinary people all have to submit to Allah.

Today is fundamentally different from yesterday. With the internet and the abundant literature available, it’s within the reach of all to determine the context in which a particular koranic verse was revealed, and the understanding of that particular verse in relation to what the prophet had to say. Any person thus has the means to do what Allah wants him to do. It’s a matter between Allah and him.

The so called sheik comes into the picture, when one is unable to do the work himself, for whatever reason. In that case the person goes to a so called sheik or whatever, who then has to give answers to questions posed basing his arguments and giving to the questioner the proofs with respect to Koranic texts and the relevant hadis literature.

I for one, look for some criterion when I go to person for religious knowledge because I do not have the time to make the research into Koran and hadis myself.

This would include amongst other things, his piety, his cleanliness, his presentability, his manners, his speech, his truthfulness, his humility, his mercy, his treatment of his neighbours, in short his taqwa. I would also like to observe him in prayer, and have information about his mid night prayers. . I certainly won’t look for a piece of paper that he has from some University in Mecca, Medina, Cairo, Pakistan or India, it wont cut any ice with me.

I hope I have made myself clear, this is what I think. Any mistakes are mine. Pls correct me. Allah knows best.

Jasmine said...

Yaamyn u said -----

2) The freedom to write 'Allah' in my own language, which is quite qualified to do so. I don't see how that can contradict the religion.. we write it in English, Roman, Hindi, Turkish, Malayalam, Tamil, Sinhalese etc without committing blasphemy. Why not in thaana?

I think…

As far as I know, people use words to express ideas. So if the word you want to use to express a particular idea you have satisfies you, I can’t see any harm in you choosing your word to express the idea you want.

Take a tribe of Aborgine from South Australia, he calls his God “ATNATU”, which literally meant “ One without an Anus”. You see this aborigine the idea he wanted to express was that his God was free from all needs, that he was independent and needed no food or drink. His idea in calling ATNATU was that from whom no impurity flows or emanates. Tell me can u fault the aborigine?

His idea of a perfect God, who was independent with no need for food or drink and from whom no impurity could flow or emanate – could be best expressed with the word “ ATNATU” – literally meaning “ One without anus”.

How can we forget …
YUSUFALI: Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names……..

I hope that clears what my thoughts are, For me I like to use Allah for the Creator, most of the times for the following reasons.

1. The Koran often uses Allah for the creator of the worlds.
2. Allah cannot take plural form ever.
3. Allah cannot take gender form ever
These are the reasons why I like to use Allah. I also use sometimes "Maaiy Kalaange' or 'Maaiy raskalaange'. In my mind when I use those terms I refer only to the creator, and I wouldn’t use these terms for anyone other than to the Creator.

:-) hope my position is clear. Any mistakes are mine. Pls correct me. Allah knows best

Jasmine said...

Yaamyn u said…..
My problem here is more with the mindset, than the script. Our minds are imprisoned.. brainwashed,indeed to do utter bullshit in the name of religion - thanks to these so called 'scholars'. Making a mockery of the Islam, in the process!

I've had enough!

I think ………

Dear Yaamyn, you are frustrated, you are angry. I probably understand you. I say, bro coooooooooooool it. You hate these so called religionists to impose what you perceive as their will. Mind you, you and they are on an equal footing. You have the sources before you- the Koran, and Hadis. If u feel they are wrong in something, then put forward your proof using Koranic proof and Hadis and refute them.

Islam needs young sons and daughters to turn to Allah.

Learn to love Allah. He is so close to you and Allah loves you some tens of times more than your mom could ever love you. So you try to return this love that Allah has for you. Then try to work to get others to love Allah.

Once you cultivate that love, in Allah, its only natural that you would want to please Allah by doing what Allah wants u to do. You will want to learn about about Allah. Once you learn, you have the knowledge to correct any sheik, if and when he exceeds Allah’s commandements.

Allah has made his deen easy to follow.

Peace! Allah knows best.

Jasmine said...

Yaamyn u said ……..

3) The substitution of our dhivehi language for Arabic, in the hopes of greater salvation. sheesh!
Thus, we can no longer refer to God as "Maaiy Kalaange' or 'Maaiy raskalaange' as we used to call it.

Again, it's not the language that i'm so concerned about... it's the slave mindset. Not to Allah, but to these self important 'scholars' who impose on us things that have hardly anything at all to do with Islam.
Just because we refuse to think for ourselves, and let these freaks think for us instead.

A disservice to God indeed!

I think…....

Allah looks into ones heart, Allah looks into our intentions. No doubt that those are Koranic principles oft repeated. My previous post answers the first part.
YUSUFALI: Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names……

That I thinks make things crystal clear. :-)

About this “slave mindset”, Yaamyn demonstrate it using Koranic verse and Hadis, and everyone will believe you, and those who try enslaving others will have to back-down.

I’m as much Dhivehi as anyone. My mother tongue is Dhivehi and proud of it. Having said that I have other mothers than my biological mother. I refer to the wives of our beloved prophet. They are my mothers by Allah’s Grace. As such their language – Arabic becomes my mother tongue too. Yaamyn, pls believe me that from the depth of my being I consider Arabic just as much my mother tongue as my Dhivehi.

I’m making every effort to learn Arabic. That way I’ll Insha Allah be still more independent from the types you speak so vehemently against.
Hey! In a public forum, you are making me say some very personal feelings of mine. Allah take care of you.
Peace! Allah knows best.

Anonymous said...

He he he heeeeee

what a match here.

yamin - jas-yam -jas-yam-jasjas-yam

funny stuff
foolish stuff
ok stuff
good stuff
the football is adaalath sheiks???
Answer pls yam/jas

Anonymous said...

Why is it you attack adlth shks?
Maybe you dont want to be good muslims?
What have they done?
They only ask you to pray, talk like muslim, dress like muslim
They remind you not to take alcohol and drugs. this new maldive. You have to obey will of people. if not your life will be unhappy here.
Change yasmin and Yaamyn.
U are 2 of kind very sad for you 2

Anonymous said...

fools nd Iydiots

Anonymous said...

Are you forgetting that Adalath sheiks as you call them are not important? What is important is to obey God.. If what they say helps you do this take their advice. If not, ignore them.

Anonymous said...

The nature of the problem, is that in our religion called the Islam, everyone is encourage to do good and also prevent from doing bad. Its not in the spirit of the islam to mind your own business. If you see something wrong, then whoever it is – king, child or pauper; its a duty to prevent that bad. By doing this you are actually doing a great good to the person doing the wrong. The method you take about doing this very important. If one go about do this as a Tom bull in a china-shop, the results would be exactly that - whammm!! break! crack! Breaaak. If this is done, like how the prophet has done, then you will do this with love, care, foresight, learning, humbleness and with object of obeying God and truly helping your sister/brother in islam. Then the result would be big difference. Please jasmine, yaamyn and reder note.

Anonymous said...

I like what you wrote about mother-tongue. This makes Arabic not foreign tongue, but mother tongue. Tee he he heee. Anyway even its not my language, I love to hear Quran. Its not the same listening to a translation in English. Maybe because as baby we hear Quran, it becomes like second nature to us. I have translation of Quran by Prof. A. J. Arberry. In this preface he writes about how rich Arab language is, how beautiful and how appropiate arabic is to express complex thoughts in few words in stunning beauty. I am a lover of language, and freely use 5 languages and want to learn 5 more. I now must learn arabic. After all its my mother tongue ha! ha! heeee ..... nice - very nice.

Anonymous said...

yaamin, a rose in any name smells the sweetest.

Roses smell sweeter than jasmines.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine, I laughed my head out when I first read about ATNATU, many many years back. How sweet and innocent the resoning of the tribe. How brilliant it is too. Its a name that would exclude all animals and human beings. Monkeys, donkeys, Asses all cannot be God because they all have an anus. Sai Baba, Jesus*, Mithra all cannot be a God, because they have anuses. thanks friend, for reminding me of ATNATU.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adaalath sheiek could write English. How interesting to see what they think of this funny blog.
They might send jasmine to dhoonidoo. Teee he he heee

Anonymous said...

@ .... slave mindset

It depends on the individual. If you have an inferiority complex, then you would have such a mindset. Thats your prob.
If your knowledge doesn't match up to theirs, then chances are that you might have such a mindset. That too is your problem.
so, having or not having a slave mindset finally depends ONLY on you

Anonymous said...

Birds are singing,
Squirels are chirping,
The Clouds cannot decide,
If to rain, or let thru sun,
How cooooooool our Islam is.

Nothing is too big,
Nothing is toooooo small,
Everything in life coverd,
In this , our way .... Islam,
How coooooooooooooool islam is

A heart overflowing with love,
Thank you o Lord!
Be my Shepherd O Lord!

Anonymous said...

I dont agree all books are same. The qur'an is different. Its word of Gord 100%. No other book has survived.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine this i s super. good work.

Yaamyn said...

@anonymous, 11:25 am:

Why is it you attack adlth shks?
Maybe you dont want to be good muslims?
What have they done? They only ask you to pray, talk like muslim, dress like muslim.. They remind you not to take alcohol and drugs...

Yes. And if they'd stuck to just that, I wouldn't waste my time on them.
But unfortunately, it seems to have escaped you completely they they also preach rabid anti-Semitism, impose a hardline radical interpretations of a
peaceful faith - on a people who've been Muslim for hundreds of years, spread libel and slander on open platforms, intimidate ignorant people into mimicking their Arab masters in the name of religion.

ANd MISLEAD people, encourage violence, support terrorists, suppress women, don't mind pedophilia, and YES, criminalize gangrape victims.

Sorry, but I HAVE to attack these freaks, if only for the unhealthy influence they wield.

Btw, my own grandad, grandma, mum and dad tell me to stay off drugs, alcohol and be a good humanbeing. But I don't attack them, do I?

And how the heck do you 'talk like a Muslim' and 'look like a Muslim' and 'walk like a Muslim'?

Typical brainwashed nonsense. I only know how to talk like a human and look like a human. Cause God made me a HUMAN.

You can grow a beard, marry a tent covered kid, and slay the jews and call yourself a Muslim.

Thank you, Can do without.

Change yasmin and Yaamyn.
U are 2 of kind very sad for you 2

Perhaps you ought to learn to READ first before attacking your keyboard?

Jasmine and I are on very different, and opposite sides of the debate. Sheesh!

Yaamyn said...

@ Jasmine:

Some Shakespeare lover repeated that quote.. 'a rose by any name smells just as sweet.'

However, seeing all that's being written and talked, makes me feel inclined to think that perhaps, a 'Rose' in Arabic smells much sweeter?

I feel your 'Arabic moms' theory only serves as a poor disguise for the fact that you associate arabic with piety and religion.

I believe it doesnt'. That's one point we differ on.

I've heard the 'Atnatu' anecdote before.. was it Deedat? I don't recollect very well.
Anyways, it has little to do with my argument that we Maldivians don't have the right to even write the word 'Allah' in our own language.

There's a psychological restraint that prevents us from even considering such a possibility. This is the kind of fear psychosis we're living under.. and the fear that these 'scholars' are taking advantage of.

And no, they are not willing to engage in debate. Anyone who contests these freaks is 'apostate', or 'attacking Islam' (they consider themselves to be demi-prophets, in that case) or 'sinners'.

Their word is infallible and their influence frightening.

So we have a bunch of Maldivians ready to take up arms in the name of 'alloahu'.

Sheesh. 'Good Muslims'? Yeah Right.

Anonymous said...


What is tht you have against Adhaalat, their beard or what they preach. I ve neva seen them preach anything that u r claiming here. I neva heard them say u cant refer to Allah as "Maaiy Raskalaange".

So yaamyn what do u think about the Jews with beard. you consider them as professors. When muslim grows his beard then its considered extremist.

I thnk evry muslim should learn arabic.It is a GREAT asset to learn Arabic if it is not our first language.Quran is word of Allah nd main source of guidance nd its in Arabic. If we don't know arabic we'll have to rely on scholars, people of knowledge, and native Arabic speakers to translate for us. When Arabic is translated into another language it loses some of its meaning...that is the unique beauty of the Quran Majid (Glorious Quran). I am not saying that we shouldn't rely on these people because of the ayah which says "then ask those who possess the Message (Ahl adh-Dhikr) if you do not know." [Soorah 21, Aayah 7 and Soorah 6, Aayah 43] but only so that you will be able to verify for yourself. “O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with news verify it…” [al-Hujuraat 49:6].

Jasmine said...

Yaamyn said …….
However, seeing all that's being written and talked, makes me feel inclined to think that perhaps, a 'Rose' in Arabic smells much sweeter?

I feel your 'Arabic moms' theory only serves as a poor disguise for the fact that you associate arabic with piety and religion. I believe it doesnt'. That's one point we differ on. I've heard the 'Atnatu' anecdote before.. was it Deedat? I don't recollect very well. Anyways, it has little to do with my argument that we Maldivians don't have the right to even write the word 'Allah' in our own language.

I think……..
:-) that’s amusing what u wrote about the rose in arabic. Anyway, how do u change how Maldivians think. A lot of us respect and love Arabic. Can you blame us? Mind you, very often reverts to Islam from all over, Asians, Europeans and Americans, sooner or later feel the need to learn Arabic, and become erudite in Arabic.

Its not that I associate Arabic with piety. Its not that simple. As a matter of fact I have come across Christians, Buddhists and Hindu’s who are very pious and very religious. This is just to make you understand I’m not so shallow as to associate Arabic with piety and religiousness.

On a personal level, I must confess that Arabic resonates with the innermost fabrics of my soul. I consider this a gift from Allah, considering that I know so little Arabic. Yes, sometimes listening to the Koran, I’m moved to tears. Auto-sugestion? Maybe. However what’s important is that now I have a strong desire to learn it. As a matter of fact, reading “Road to Mecca” really first made me want to visit Saudi Arabia, and learn Arabic. The mother tongue angle I read from either Prof. Hamidullahi or Maudoodi.

Yes, I too first heard from Deedat the Atnatu thing. Yaamyn my dear brother, For me Allah gives me the right to use whatever name that’s good when calling on Him. Allah sees into my heart, and judges me according to my intention. Nobody can countermand Allah. Like I said, most of the time I use Allah, because Allah does not refer to anything but the Creator in any other language.
I don’t know these Adhalath dudes. I have heard one of them on U tube. Mr. Iliyas. I liked what he had to say, because in the talk I heard he spoke mostly about Allah.

Incidently @Thakuru seems to suggest that .. "Maaiy Raskalaange" is not an issue with them.

On a different note, Yaamyn, why don’t u share with us what you think one could do to come close to Allah.

Other visitors too pls share with us, what you do to come close to Allah.

Peace! And Allah knows best. Pls correct me when I err.

Jasmine said...

@ thakuru……

Interesting you mention about the Jew beard.

Sometimes I see some blokes in Male, with beards that really look more than anything like some Jews you see in New York or them at the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Their beards long, not groomed, scraggy almost unkept, with such unique countenances.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not criticizing beards. I understand that it is a must just as we need to wear the veil, if we want to progress up the ladder of "ihsan".

I was just wondering. Why do these blokes imitate the way Jews wear their beads? (Yaamyn reading this, pls don’t take me to be anti-Semitic – I’m not). Isn’t it a principle not to imitate the Jews or Christians or for that matter by extension anyone who associates partners to Allah.

@ thakuru….. would appreciate if you too would share with us, how you go about to get closer to Allah…

Yaamyn said...


Thank you, You've been a good sport and decent, calm debater so far. This is perhaps the most productive discussion I've had so far.

(Though you still haven't spoken told me specifically why it's considered 'Islamic' to write 'Allah' in only Arabic, and then to butcher the pronounciation by calling it 'Alloahu'.)

Anyways, I gather that you're not so rigid, unlike so many people who don themselves in the mantle of 'religion'.

You do accept that Allah is all knowing.. so it doesn't matter what we call him, as long as we are referring to that ONE God.

That's the first part thing.

Secondly, you say you don't know much about these adhaalath 'scholars'.

These are the people who 'spread' Islam among Muslims. Unfortunately, for all their gift of the gab, their version of Islam is very, very perverted, if you ask me.

I have some videos of theirs - openly espousing violence and making ridiculous claims against Jews in general.. and inciting hatred towards them.

Maybe you should see and hear more of them.

I shall quite soon reveal what I believe it takes to be a good Muslim. Need more time.

Yaamyn said...

If I'm not mistaken the beard is considered to a 'sunnah', and there are plenty more - FAR MORE - important things about the prophet's life than just his beard and clothes.

A beard don't make a Muslim.

Even Abu Jahal had a beard.

Anonymous said...

I pray my prayers on time, to come close to my GOD. Whatever I do, I stop when Adhan sounds, and I do my prayers. When I do my Wudu I think that I'm cleaning myself to stand before GOd. This I never do for anybody but GOD. I might take bath to meet someone, but never this wudhu. I also do supplement prayers. Pls try this sister jasmine. You will see big change immediately. TRY NOW TODAY.

Anonymous said...

yaamyn pls share these videos u say u hav by uploadin to youtube or any other place. I just want to see. i hav seen some of their speeches nd i know some of these ppl.

Anonymous said...

can I butt in? First you people should define who a muslim is. You are I think putting the cart before the horse. He he he heee

Anonymous said...

@ Nov16— 9.00PM
Being Muslim is many things to many people. Scroll back and see for yourself. We need an expert to tell us.

Anonymous said...

For Gods sake! You need an expert to tell you who a muslim is. How old are you? Dont you have a brain to tell youself, what its for you to be a muslim? Or is it that you are so mixed up, you do not have the confidence to think for yourself. This is how, you end up being a complete push-over. Sorry for being blunt, but you need to have confidence in yourself.

Anonymous said...

A muslim is completely submitted to the will of God. From this definetion one can see that everything and everyone is submitted to the will of God except those human beings and those Ginn that rebel and consiously reject Gods will.

Anonymous said...

yes... good

Anonymous said...

"Three agents destroy religion: an ill-tempered scholar, a tyrannical leader, and an ignorant theologian."

Anonymous said...

islam is coooooooooooooooool
Freedom it gives,
Rule of law it mandates,
Chooses a leader by consultation,
Equal opportunities it stresses,
Man and women equal before Allah,
How coooooooooool ISLAM is

Jasmine said...

Friends, I read with great emotion, gratitude and interest your many good advice and opinions. Let me also share these Verses, below with you.

Please don’t read them, taking it from one ear and sending out from the other. Please read the verses slowly, and with the intention of wanting to put their meaning into our day to day lives.

See the 4th verse, how beautiful it is, how incredidibly tender, considerate and soooooo touching.
As a woman, how touching it is to be counted in the same footing as a man. For me I need no other proof that man and women stand equal before our Creator.

And what a promise! And what a reward! Let’s join hands together to help each other. Brothers and sisters, Sisters and brothers, lets all join together to help each other to draw close to the King of the Day of Reconing.

(I must also add that I am also a student of comparative religion, and nowhere in a sacred text have I come across men and women addressed in like manner. Truly amazing that these verses were revealed over 1400 years ago – Subhanallahi.)

"He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of those who are being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS)." [An Aam 6:163]

"He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of those who are being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS)." [An Aam 6:163]

"And I am commanded in order that I may be the foremost of those who submit themselves to Allah as being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS)." [Az Zumar 39:12]

"Certainly, the Muslim men and Muslim women, believing men and believing women, obedient men and obedient women, truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, charitable men and charitable women, fasting men and fasting women, chaste men and chaste women, pious men and pious women (remembering Allah with their hearts and tongues), for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward." [33:35]

Yes, thus we see ----- A Muslim being in submission to the Will of God and obeying his Commandments.

@ - Yaamyn --- Ta your kind words, will post reply later. Yes! Mistakes if any are mine, and as always….. Allah knows best.


Anonymous said...

whats the latest line of thought?

Anonymous said...

scroll up... A lot has been said about being "Muslim". Scroll up as some useful exchanges have taken place. Its intersting

Jasmine said...

@ Yaamyn Nov 16: 8.58 am.

(Though you still haven't spoken told me specifically why it's considered 'Islamic' to write 'Allah' in only Arabic, and then to butcher the pronounciation by calling it 'Alloahu'.) ………

I say:
Thanks yaamyn for your kind words. I think this maybe due to the fact I try to the best of my ability to emulate the prophetic example. Allah tells us that in the prophet we have the best example, and without ambiguity asks us to follow him. He was kind, soft spoken and considerate, took advice himself (thereby showing us that we should do that where appropriate), went to extra ordinary length to put at ease his fellowmen, and always was conscious of God, in his speech and action. It’s a worthy example to follow, as Muslims we must gently help each other reach those high standards. Allah would reward us by bringing us close to Allah.

To tell u truthfully, I didn’t know that you could write “Allah” only in Arabic. Based on what; is this ruling??? I think, It’s an axiom of law that ……….. “That which is not expressly forbidden is permitted”. I am not aware of any prohibition by Allah and His Messenger with respect to writing Allah in any other script other than Arabic.

Yaamyn u said………..
Anyways, I gather that you're not so rigid, unlike so many people who don themselves in the mantle of 'religion'. You do accept that Allah is all knowing.. so it doesn't matter what we call him, as long as we are referring to that ONE God. That's the first part thing.

I think……
Certainly I do not don the mantle of religion. Like I have said before I discovered the beauty of Islam, and I’m so filled with the desire to learn about Islam and most importantly I desire to get close to Allah. This blog is all about hoping that I might receive and I might give, and hopefully that we would together increase in love for Allah and between us.

Yes Allah is All knowing, and I believe the Koranic lesson is that we may address Allah by Allah, Ar Rahman, or any other appropriate name as All beautiful names indeed belongs to Allah. Just as wheather we turn east or west, we all would have still have Allah. Yaamyn, that what God himself informs us. Allah knows best.

Yaamyn you said ---
Secondly, you say you don't know much about these adhaalath 'scholars'. These are the people who 'spread' Islam among Muslims. Unfortunately, for all their gift of the gab, their version of Islam is very, very perverted, if you ask me.

I think----
Ya! I heard only Mr. Iliyas on U tube. That speech was for the most part good as he reminded us about Allah. You say, they spread Islam among Muslims. I cannot see why that upsets you. If they don’t, wouldn’t they be failing in their duty Allah? The person who has, should give the person who has less. Isn’t that what the prophet asked us to do?

Now your reference to version of Islam is disturbing. I like to share with you what I believe the prophet –pboh said in his last Hadj. Sermon. He said that his Ummah would divide into 73 divisions. The only one that would escape the hell fire was the path that he and his companions stood on. That path is a path that holds firmly to Allah’s Word 100% and a way of life with stunning beauty and simplicity, where Allah Himself asserts that it’s a religion without undue burden on man. Allah knows best.

Yaamyn you said….
I have some videos of theirs - openly espousing violence and making ridiculous claims against Jews in general.. and inciting hatred towards them. Maybe you should see and hear more of them.

I think -----
I would love you to give me the links to them pls. I would like to hear what they say myself. The Islam I know is where it’s taught that taking the life of one human is like killing the whole of humanity. Also the Islam I know, teaches us from Allah that No soul bears the burden of another soul. If this be so how can Islam be anything but a gentle, peace loving and above all a way of life that teaches that the best standard is not the principle of eye for eye, but forgiving for the sake of Allah, seeking his pleasure.

@ Yaamyn ---- You said
I shall quite soon reveal what I believe it takes to be a good Muslim. Need more time.

I said….
That would be brilliant. I would love to hear that and I wait with anticipation. Yaamyn pls do include something like “what we can do to come close to Allah”.

May God Bless you. Pls correct any mistakes on my part. Allah knows best.

Anonymous said...

Your big mouth brought me here and out of sheer boredom I read a bit of what you wrote. Mostly a lot of which that I have seen on other Islamist websites.

Anyways, like the very 1st commenter has said ... it's a lot of blah blah blah and mumbo jumbo that make no sense at all.

Of'Cas you'll call on Allah to guide me in the way of the truth. In other words, YOUR WAY! Well, do that. I welcome that too!

Anonymous said...

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been reported saying: "Whoever protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and guards his private parts from illegal sexual relations, I shall guarantee him entrance into the Paradise." (Sahih Bukhari: Hadith No 6109)

DODO's said...

@ post above...
This is also a hadis in the same line...

Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked: “Who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of Allah replied: “He is the one from the evils of whose tongue and hands people are safe." (Sunan Nasai: Hadith No 11726)

How appropiate for our situation today.

Anonymous said...

A verse that we need to remember when we go abot life. ...

“O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.” (Al-Quran, Surah Hujrat, 49:12)

Anonymous said...

Often the prophet makes clear what the revelation reveals. just see how this hadis makes things clear.

In order to describe the meaning of backbiting once the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked his companions: "Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of Allah said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Sahih Muslim: Haidth No 2589).

DODO's said...

The Quran has commanded believers to refrain from such utterances and statements that may sow enmity and discord among the family or society members.

The Quran says:

“Say to My servants that they should only say those things that are best, for Satan does sow dissensions among them, for Satan is to man an avowed enemy.” (Al-Quran, Sura Israa, 17:53)

Considering our new system introduced, I wonder how this verse relates to our day to day life.

Anonymous said...

Jas, you asked re. getting close to Allahu. A friend suggested to me to repeat Allah's ismufulu - "Allahu", "Allahu", "Allahu". I was somewot sceptical. One day, I did it. First it felt strange. Now I have to say it really helped me. My namadz improved too. Try it. Be in for a shock!

Anonymous said...

@ above comment.

Did you find that wings were growing on you? he he heee

Anonymous said...

@ annoy above
I too do it. it truly focused me. It worked.

Anonymous said...

Guys try reading about islam. It also reallo boosts your awareness. A good start is Mawdoodi's "Towards Understanding Islam". VRy good reading.Makes you see Islam in a different way. You end up saying " sheeeeeeeeeeeesh! why didn't I think of it, in that way". My experiance. Read every day some thing on Islam. Good reads there.

Anonymous said...

Listen to Quran. 1st. step
Understand it . 2nd step
Everyday put in action smething . 3rd step.
Take as friends - good muslims. 4 step.
Prayers at on dot time. - Step before 1st. step.


Anonymous said...

Guys, you must all seriously be high on something extreme!


Anonymous said...

@ island kid..

ha! ha! ha! ye don know wot u r missing kiddo.
Seriously, try it.
Have you heard of Pascals Wager?
Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Lets pray for Island Kid.

May Allah Bless Island Kid,
May he see and feel THE TRUTH,
May he feel the urge,
To learn to be a man
who is happy, considerate and full of love,
From whose tongue many wud receive solace,
Oh Allah pls Bless island Kid and his dear ones.


Anonymous said...


May God Bless You

Anonymous said...

Amin, Amin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jasmeene, cant you say anything without talking religion. Dont ye hav a mind of own? Bushri @ club escape talks politics, and you crash inthere with your religion pooh pah's. You are one mixed up sorry peerson. Who are you anyway to talk religion? whats your qualficsion? why dont you just shut up.

Anonymous said...

Oh, @anonymous I'm more than familiar with Pascals Wager ... definitely not what you would call an atheist. Just your mambo jumbo on specifics & definitives is not valid for me. Especially these arabic Hadits & history that you follow.

And I'm sure for sister Jas & the other followers here it's more than Pascals Wager alone ... but also Islam, Quran, Allah & the 100% pure wordings of the companions! Specifics! Nothing more, nothing less. And no questions asked either!

Now you may all think that I'm lost and without cause. Cannot be further from the truth. I'm contempt like billions of others who do not believe in the theology of following your Madrasa literature.

As for the rest of the anonymous cultists ... hehehe ... Amen!

Anonymous said...

I agree with posts that say that we need to basically get back to our roots in religion. Life is a pain. Its work-home-work-home - a painful cycle. Its more and more about self. Eating, and drinking, worrying day and night about meeting dead lines and paying bills, and living beyond our means. I'm SICK AND TIRED OF THIS. Maybe Islam's teachings would give me rest and a change from this painful life. I want a change.

Anonymous said...

@ island kid.

Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

@island kid
Made sense to hear you are no atheist. You sounded too intelligent to be an atheist. Your posts reminded me of Ibra’s writing, - expansive, full of shallow generalities and very scarce on specifics. You talk of Hadis, & history. What in them raises your hackles? I think it’s a weakness on your part, that you assume to know what the readers of your posts think. I for one, certainly do not think that you are lost and without cause. You imply that you believe in a Creator. How then can you be lost????? :-). You have got that far - for starters. May Allah open you completely to His truth. Incidentally, you cannot know the taste of orange juice until you taste it.

Dear kid, have you considered that calling those people cultists – those very people who said prayers on your behalf – might have hurt their feelings. I for one follow the prophet Muhammad – sal, for just those reasons; to learn how to interact with my neighbors, and love my neighbors, considering their feelings, and always avoiding hurting them. There then is a living example of the benefit, following the holy prophet -sal. May Allah Bless you, Kid.

Anonymous said...

Reading some of the flak jasmines' taking I like to say, that if it pains anyone, reading this blog, why not just iggy this pge? Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. As far as I can see this is a free forum. Sister we like the many posts here.

Sudu said...

Anybody has any Rumi posts? Last time there were many.

Allah Bless you all. Assalamu Alaikum!

Anonymous said...

I wonder! why it is,
One gets so angry,
When one talks,
Of the Hadis and
The beautiful Siirah.

What does hadis teach?
But to love Allah ONLY,
how to treat ma & Pa,
the sick n Neighbour,
or feed a hungry dog,
n bring smiles to lil ones.

Yes it teaches me Love,
Compassion & brotherliness,
How to treat less fortunate,
And to pray n work,
These – Hadis teaches me,
Explaining whats in the Quran.

So why r u against Hadis & Siirah?

Anonymous said...

@Island kid:
u need to listen then think then talk, U r always angry nd jumpin to conclusions. Wen one says praise the lord, our GOD,almighty ALLAH dont label then religious freaks. Wen one says God Bless u, dont label them cultists.

U r jus imagining things my brother we dont support terrorism. Pl dont judge by the beard or the veil. What ever we do in this world we do it get closer to our God, to please Allah, this is only the testing ground. its for the reward in the hereafter nd avoid ending up in hell fire. pls try to respect that.

Anonymous said...

Thakuru, when was the last time I heard that? Can't be a too distant memory.

Look, tell you the truth I don't mind you brothers and sisters doing all this preaching. BUT PLEASE stop trying to convince others of what YOU believe to be are correct alone. THAT CANNOT BE RIGHT! You yourselves have NO absolute proof other than some "this guy said, that guy said" and the wordings of a book. Understand that there are many other books too.

And understand also that there is only approx. 1.6 billion Muslims in this world (out of which most are just by title alone). So it's only practical to assume that the other 4-5 billion people are not a) lost and b) total losers. I think it's fine to let them live in peace and think for themselves.

Now, I understand the warmongering starts when others start invading your space. But day by day it's becoming more apparent that there is a much bigger Islamic fanatical group out there who love nothing more than pure destruction.

I sincerely hope you brothers and sisters are nothing like this bunch. You say so. I just hope you are!

That good reasoning?

Anonymous said...

Islam is a way of life. Muslims are people who practice Islam. Is there any room to misunderstand? As Muslims we are completely submitted to the Will of Allah. Both knowingly and without knowing. Knowingly, when we obey for eg. Allah's laws of Diet. Unknowingly for eg. when we breath; we follow the laws governing breathing. As Allah says in his Quran, there is no compulsion in religion. No Muslim would force Islam on anyone. By the very nature of Islam, you cannot force anyone to accept Islam. The prophet - God Bless him; was instructed only to convey the message of Islam. The rest was not up to the prophet -gbh. Only Allah Guided who he willed to accept Islam. How sweet.
Allah bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Good post sister.Keep it up

Anonymous said...

@iland kid -18th -03.11
sorry but u seem a bit confused. First you feel we are on a high. Now you imagine we are trying to convince “others” of what we believe. How com you miss the boat all the time? By Grace of God we know we are correct. What we are doing here, is reminding us to work to come close to God, in prayer and in other way. If you or a person likes he can try it.

Allah is our Creator. He has Given us everything we have starting with our life. And why shouldn’t we want to get close to him? What cant you dig in that?

Anonymous said...

Allah asks us to be kind and loving to our parents. Everytime we are kind to them, for Allah's sake, because he has asked us to do, then by this act, we come closer to Allah.

Anonymous said...

Look at the wonderful world around us.

Anonymous said...

Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." (Qur’an, 5:32)

Anonymous said...

Prophet Muhammad -pboh said there is no excuse for committing unjust acts: "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil." (Al-Tirmidhi)

Anonymous said...

@ anny. 3.14 Pm

Thanks the post. I think this shows a distictive of islam. No wonder the companions loved the prophet * so dearly; because they saw him living life like this. It takes courage to return evil with good. No wonder he was called a mercy unto mankind.

May Allah Bless His last prophet, and all Muslims.

Anonymous said...

God mandates moderation in faith and in all aspects of life when He states in the Qur’an:

“We made you to be a community of the middle way, so that (with the example of your lives) you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind.” (Qur’an, 2:143)

Brothers, sisters. Lets think of this verse the whole day. Think, of these words of Allah, and try and put into "life" during the day. Starting from the banal things we do - like eating. Lets think of this verse and moderate our eating and drinking. Instead of a 2nd. serving, eat one. Instead of eating the 2nd. eating the 2nd. serving offer it to someone needy. If u can't find such a person, share your meal with a muslim bro or sis for Allah's sake.

These are the little things that the great prophet -sal did, every day of the year. This is what the Ashabs - Allah bless them, did and by so doing became beacons of moral strength to the world.

Lets work for the day thats sure to come - our death. Lets all come close to Allah. Yes! we can do it

Anonymous said...

You guys think I'm confused??? Take a look at the nonsense you talk about ... hehehehe. This dream world fantasy you have and then claim I'm confused.


What wankers!!!!

Just out of curiosity. Do you guys all congregate in once place and talk like this to each other, smoke something to get high and have one big orgy as well?

Sharing of ideas would include that once you die you all go to paradise and have for each of you a few dozen young girls and swim in rivers of wine? Isn't that like Alice in Wonderland?

I'd rather live in reality and be blissful in the wonders of that.

Anonymous said...

The Key to Paradise is Salah (prayer), and the key to salah is cleanliness. – Ahmad

Human beings have body n soul. Its so sweet to see that Islam always stress both. Before prayesr we take wudu, thinking of bodily cleanliness. Then we stand before God, with nobody inbetween, wanting to purify our souls.

I cant see this approach anywhere else. Islam goes into so much trouble to address human condition. How wonderful then that I think the prophet said 1/2 od deen is cleanliness. Imagine, comparing your prayers to a flowing river.

If you bath 5 times in a flowing river, the probability of dirt sticking to you is greatly reduced as comapred to if you didn't dip in the river at all.

Glory to God! Praise The All Merciful.

Anonymous said...

@ 12.23

So truthful. Thanks. Islam is our way, our live. Inshaallahu always.

Anonymous said...

seriously, Island kid, what do u believ?

I mean u say ur a Muslim, but u dont seem to agree with any thing that the muslims believ. I do respect ur opinion but if only u could provide the evidence to prove anything wrong, anything other than ur fuzzy logic and paraphiliac nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing happened. My little sister’s cat was hungry and crying. I was about to go for prayers. Then, it occurred to be he was really hungry, and I thought of Allah and how the prophet fed animals. Immediately I cleaned the cat’s tray and served him his food. I thought of Allah, and how Muslims have been asked to be kind to animals, and to care for them. Then I went and prayed. I was thinking of Allah all through my ablution and then my prayers was very satisfying. I truly prayed with Allah’s help really well. Imagine my sisters cat was today, my reason for remembering Allah, and prayer.

Anonymous said...

@ November 19, 2008 2:18 AM

You sound dumb, and I bet you are dumb to take this flight of fancy. What makes you different in these flights of fancy as any screwed up in the top nut? You will end up in nutter ward with ideas like that with your dumb cat. Next you will be shouting that walls are talking to you. tok, tok....... hellooooooo, is anything up there.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous November 19, 2008 1:35

I'm still very much a student and as such studying what is out there. Right now I believe secularism is the best remedy and while I believe in a God & have certain faith I don't hold on to certain hardcore principals as you guys. No specifics for me just yet. And probably never will.

It's called respecting what you wish to do with your line of thinking, so long as you do not invade the other guys space.

I find it utterly childish to hold on to some specific beliefs without any hard proof other than simply because of a blind belief. That can be very dangerous. Reason with good logic is better for me.

Anonymous said...

Who has heard about the 5 min. rule?

Anonymous said...

@ November 19, 2008 2:18 AM

That was very good. Thanks for sharing these persnal moments with us. I have a cat too. I'll INSHA ALLAH, try to do what you did, that is to think that its Gods creature, and that God has asked to be good to them. It made sense to me. After all the goal is to try be God-consious all the time.

@ sami
Friend, these things maybe strange to you. We are Muslims and so have we have submitted to the WILL of God. Our prophet has instructed to be kind to animals. Feeding is being kind. Thinking of this at the moment of feeding, makes a big difference, compared to doing it mechanically. Also a Muslim is asked not to hurt his neighbour.

The prophet is reputed to have said that a person cannot be a Muslim, until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself. As such we would avoid using such hrash words as you used. I'm posting, with the intention of being of service to you.

God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Brothers/sisters in Islam,
Think about this………….
1. Has Allah made anything Haram for us which has more benefit than harm?
2. Has Allah Allowed us anything for us which has more harm than good?

Yes, its GOOD to think about our creator. This has more than meets the eye. Pls think about it.


Alif Laam Gaaf said...

Are we still struggling to get the answer to the question "WHY DO WE NEED TO ALWAYS THINK OF GOD?"??
Let me put my stand here. Are we thinking about God just becasue He is going to give us a garden in heaven when we remember Him? Doesnt it sound very much selfish of us!!! Ofcuase humans are slefish but this is too much right? He gave us life, health , and everthing else and still are we going to remember him only for the sake of paradise?
I think we should be thinking of him because He is worth thinking of. There is no point in me to elloborate my point. Just think a bit logically. Dont we deserve to think of Him?

Anonymous said...

I've tried to get a good, justifiable answer to this before & I practically failed everywhere else. So was wondering what the holy brothers & sisters have to say to this. The response just might make my day.

To all ye true "believers" of Islam and "protectors of the Islamic faith" in the Maldives:

I challenge ALL you morons, dimwits & retards to explain to me how you all reap the fruits from an industry that is built upon the selling of alcohol in this country. EVERYONE, and I mean everyone in this country seem to agree there is nothing wrong with this.

We all KNOW this but now my turn for Quran & other preaching:

"They ask you (O Muhammad ) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs." Thus Allâh makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought." - Al-Baqarah 2:219

On Buying & Selling "Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam)cursed ten people in connection with wine: the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought." - Narrated Anas ibn Malik(r.a.)

On Medicinal use - "Wa'il said: Tariq ibn Suwayd or Suwayd ibn Tariq asked the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) about wine, but he forbade it. He again asked him, but he forbade him. He said to him: Prophet of Allah, it is a medicine. The Prophet said: No it is a disease." - Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar(r.a.)

Enough already? I can go on!

Now tell me, how do you fuckwits talk about the veil and God knows what else and preach good Islam when this is ALLOWED & FOLLOWED by every "good" Muslim in this country.

Answer me this and then go on with your other ramblings. Otherwise shut the F UP!!!

Let everyone else live their own lives.

PS: oh, btw, the allowance for the use of Alcohol is also authorized on a piece of official document signed by Muslim government officials with the Bismi on top. Hypocrites!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Alif Laam Gaaf

Good point. In my view this is a multi-faceted question, and considering that human beings are of varing intellectual capabilities, and spiritual development, the answer to the question would naturally be in function to his/her intellectual capabilities and spiritual status. We have spoken here of many aspects – like love, longing, fear, the day of judgement and now you add worthiness of thinking. May Allah Bless you

@ island boy.

I’m sorry I don’t understand you. You have quoted from the Koran and hadis with respect to Alcohol that leaves us in no doubt as to its legality. Its illegal, period. As Muslims we accept that.

Its not up to a Muslim to question what the Koran and hadis has made clear. SORRY – there is NO QUESTION OF ALLOWING AND FOLLOWING WHAT ALLAH AND THE PROPHET HAS FORBIDDEN. That’s not how it works. WHOEVER DISOBEYS ALLAH, WILL ANSWER HIS ACTIONS. It’s a Koranic principle that every soul should answer for itself. No soul would bear the burden of another. This is the same for anything that Allah has made haram alcohol, pork etc.

May I ask you to moderate your language. The prophet taught us good manners, and speech and how wonderful, if you would care to remind yourself of good manners. May Allah Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Alright, i agree with u Island kid, selling nd using of alchohol is haram. Evry1 in maldives is not selling alchohol, evry1 in maldives is not using alchohol.i know I'm not selling or using alchohol.

Why mention alchohol only? Prostitution has been introduced to this country and its also haram.Do u blame the whole of maldives for this. Nobody can force any1 to do anything. Thats not the way Islam is preached. There is no compulsion in islam.

And again brother u nd me,we both know that we are not the ppl authorizing the selling nd using of alchohol in this country so nobody can point their finger to me or u

Anonymous said...


Are you saying human beings can sit in Judgment on Allah's worth?

I hope I have misunderstood you.

Anonymous said...

Well, that was a total waste of time. You morons didn't even understand the reason behind why I asked the whole thing.

And the rest of you took no amount of time in denying you were not benefiting off of alcohol selling in this country.

I thought for a change you bunch would at least see things differently. Nope! Same standard hypocrites as the ones running the government.

Proves my point. Money & power talks everywhere. Even in the Islamic circles as well.

Anonymous said...

@ Alif Laam Gaaf
"Those who say, 'Our Lord is Allah,' and then follow the straight path shall have nothing to fear or to regret. Such people shall be the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, for ever, as a reward for what they did." (Surat al-Ahqaf, 13-14)

Anonymous said...

For Alif Laam Gaaf -
I'm a believer. I love my Lord. I am a slave. I'm crushed by the Greatness of my Lord. I have no pride before my Lord. I obey my Lord. Allah in his koran has promised my reward. Is it wrong to hope for what my Lord has promised?

I pray to my Lord for the success of this world. There is none else who i can ask. I fear my LOrd. I pray to my Lord for the success of the next world. Alif Laam Gaaf, is this wrong?

Anonymous said...

@ Alif Laam Gaaf
To Dawud We gave Sulayman. What an excellent servant! He truly turned to his Lord. (Surah Sad, 30)
… My Lord, inspire me to be thankful for the blessing You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and keep me acting rightly, pleasing You, and admit me, by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants. (Surat an-Naml, 19)
Allah has made an example for those who have faith: the wife of Pharaoh… (Surat at-Tahrim, 11)
To those who believe Allah has set an example in the wife of Pharaoh who said: "My Lord, build a house in the Garden for me in Your presence and rescue me from Pharaoh and his misdeeds and rescue me from this wrongdoing people." (Surat at-Tahrim, 11)
They said, "We will never prefer you to the Clear Signs which have come to us nor to Him who brought us into being. Decide on any judgment you like. Your jurisdiction covers only the life of this world. We have put our faith in our Lord, so that He may forgive us for our mistakes and for the magic which you forced us to perform. The reward of Allah is better and longer lasting." (Surah Ta Ha, 72-73)
Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be with those whom Allah has blessed: the Prophets and the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous. What excellent company such people are! Such is the bounty of Allah. Sufficient is Allah's inifinite knowledge. (Surah an-Nisa', 69-70)
The Companions of the Garden will be busy enjoying themselves that day, they and their wives reclining on soft couches in shady groves. They will have fruits there and whatever they request. "Peace!"-Aword from a Merciful Lord. (Surah Ya Sin, 55-58)
"Those who, when they are reminded of the Signs of their Lord, do not turn their backs, deaf and blind to them; who say, 'Our Lord, give us joy in our wives and children and make us a good example for those who guard against evil.' Such people will be repaid for their steadfastness with the loftiest abode in Paradise, where they will meet with welcome and with 'peace'. They will remain in it timelessly, for ever. What an excellent lodging and resting place!" (Surat al-Furqan, 73- 76)

Anonymous said...

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, stated: I am near to the thought of My servant as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me, I also remember him, and if he remembers Me in an assembly I mention him in an assembly better than his (assembly), and if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by a cubit, and if he draws near Me by a cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two arms. And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him.
Hadith in Sahih Muslim

Anonymous said...

The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving. (Al-Isra 17:44)

Lets forget our divisions, our distractions.
Lets forget for a moment all around us,
Lets forget our smartness, our ego

Allah Akbar! Lets also Glorify our creator. By one step, lets join the Universal beat of praise to our creator.

Anonymous said...

@ 7.01
Oh no! not on one of yr trips!

DODO's said...


You are in island kids club?
Just try to think of your Creator. His acts of Creation. What He has given you.

Your birth, your mother, and father. Your intelligence. Your dear friends. Your special friends. All those things you like so much.

Yea! so you think its all an accident? Or do u say like that kid that you believe. So if you do, what sets you apart from the athiest who believes in himself?

So then what of your appointment that you cant put off? You want to think of that? Perhaps you think I have gone mad. In 2008 without thinking of fun and frolic, without thinking of "my space" thinking that distant event. -Death

I think of that.

I say ' there is no God but Allah and prophet Muhammad is his prophet. But then! you cannot understand. None are so blind as those that dont want to see.

Allah Please Help me!

Anonymous said...

@ island kid

'Abd Allah (RA) reported that the Prophet of Allah (saw) said, "A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or course." (Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #313, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim)

Ibn 'Abbas (RA) said, "If you wish to mention the faults of your friend, mention your own faults first." (Hadith - Bukhari's Book of Manners #329)

Anonymous said...

Don't you people have words of your own? Ever? Tongues & brains anyone? Why is it always Abu this or Abu that? They were also people. And they have truly blinded you.

May God please let you all see the true light. That you too were given a brain. Amen!

Anonymous said...

So island kid what do u suggest? What should we do to go against the selling nd use of alchohol in this country? We can only inform the ppl what islam says about the selling nd using of alchohol. its haram.

Anonymous said...

Asking nutters nutters to hav brians of their own is too much. They are always in vomit out mode or copy cat mode. Geeeeeeeeez whot a bunch of dead enders.

Anonymous said...

Nope Thakuru. Just asking everyone to stop being hypocrites and stop preaching hypocrisy. I for one do not do it.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites?How? By not being able to stop evry1 from doing a wrong? Doesn't that make a hyprocrite as well?

Anonymous said...

correction: Doesn't that make you a hypocrite as well.

Jasmine said...

@ island kid in answer to yr question, & my bros/sis

Let’s not forget that Maldives is not an Islamic State. We have been a secular state for all intents and purposes for a looooong time. A truly Islamic state has not been seen anywhere in the world for a very very long time,

As such, it’s not surprising that we have norms penetrated into this society that runs against the grain of Koran and Hadis. Taking drugs, Selling Alcohol, Deriving benefit from the sale of alcohol, Ill treating ones mother and father, Failing to take care of the needy, Misusing state funds, Use of Usury, Propagating the tourist industry, Failure to implement an open and transparent Zakat scheme, failing to establish an Islamic society, where the rights of everyone enshrined in the Koran is upheld, and a rule of law, are a few things that we do that breaks Allah’s Law.

The consequences of this? I have no doubt that Allah as Judge I won't be wronged. Yes! I am assured, as I saw in one post that each soul is responsible for his/her actions. I agree with a reader, that basically I won’t be bearing responsibility for anybody else’s actions.

How much I’m responsible for my Governments action, I don’t know. I recognize this is a difficult question to answer with the limited knowledge at my disposal. However, Allah sees into peoples hearts and knows all there is to know and knowing that Allah is Just, All Knowing and Merciful, I’m assured of a just ruling.

I also know that when I see something wrong, I have to try and stop it with my hands. – That’s one degree. If I cannot do that, then I must try to stop it or remonstrate with my mouth – That’s a lower degree. If I cannot even do that, then, I must remonstrate it within my mind…… A domain no earthly dictator has access to …. And this is the lowest degree.

Dear brother, dear Sister, do you appreciate it now when Allah says, that Allah does not overburden human beyond their means. That is love! That is Allah’s Mercy! Indeed I see in life the meaning of why the prophet said that Allah’s love for us far, far exceeds the love of a human mother for her child.

Coming back to an Islamic state, No where in the world do we find one. Why? Because Muslims have deviated from the pristine teachings of the Koran and the prophet’s example. When a body of Muslims grabbed on to the saving rope that Allah threw out for their salvation, then they were a dazzling beacon that shone its saving grace to all corners of the earth. Those were the companions.

Yes, we cannot emulate their feats until we too submit ourselves 100% to Allah and in effect make Allah and the prophet the decider of absolutely everything in our lives. In this long road, the first step is Thawheed – In effect to Know Allah always, to remember Allah always, to love Allah always. That’s the straight path, the paths on which were those favored by Allah. That is a goal easily within our reach – everyone of us.

Oh Allah! Show us the straight path, The path of those whom Thou hast favored; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.

Correct if I err. Allah Knows Best

Anonymous said...

No Thakuru. It doesn't. I don't believe in the mambo jumbo that all Islamists believe blindly. Maybe that makes me a bad Muslim in your eyes. But a hypocrite I am not.

And yes, in your eyes to be a true Muslim you have to follow ALL. Well, guess that makes me something other than a true Muslim or maybe in your eyes someone of another faith. I have no answer to that right now.

I look around and I see there is a force, being or something that is bigger than me. So I believe in some faith and it's easier for me believe and hold on to something good for me to move forward and be happy about. Which I am btw.

I just don't like all these he said, she said crap. Some of them are really dumb sayings that even a very young kid would dispute.

So again, call me what you want. And I may not fall under your Islamic umbrella but a hypocrite I am not.

Why? Simply because I do not preach out loud on things based on something another Human Being said several hundreds of years ago. Especially things without hard proof other an a blind faith. Simple example. I would not ask a woman to wear the veil because it's written somewhere and quoted by some dude. That is beside merit & reason. Factual things I will preach on however.

See this my way now? Or would you rather go on blindly? I really don't care so long as you only debate and stay out of my space.

Anonymous said...

No point arguing back and forth with you Jasmine, as you'd never see it my way. You are too blinded by your faith in what I call "fabricated lies" to blind the person into submission. The brain can help you escape this prison, however that will never work with you.

Like people of so many other faiths, universal right & wrong I understand. And I do not need the Hadiths to teach me that. The scholars even after 1400 years are still squabbling amongst themselves to agree or understand that mambo jumbo. Pathetic state of affairs.

So I'd just call it quits for now. You yourself cannot have an answer to what I asked anyway.

I see that you seem like a gentle enuf person (so it seems so far) - so I'd rather not use my general tone with you even though I'm 100% in disagreement with your preachings.

Respectfully. So peace.

Anonymous said...

... and Thakuru, far as I'm concerned, while the preachings are totally against alcohol and it's sinful nature, I have nothing against people consuming, selling, profiting off of it.

That's what I mean when I said I don't fall under your total Islamic umbrella. While I may not drink it I have reason to believe on a number of benefits for alcohol.

See my reasoning now?

I talk of hypocrisy because Maldives claims to be the "100%" Islamic state and does things totally opposite. I only gave you an example. I however do not honor that example as your "100%" Muslim. Neither does anyone else in this so called 100% Islamic state. And they stay quite about it and profit from it. Now what else is that other than hypocrisy?

Lost am I now? Nope!

Anonymous said...

@ saami

Wots exactly that which ye are mad at? Maybe nous can help ye here. Is it that life is so mixed up, that ye can't cope? Ye sound as if you are about to explode. Blurt it out. We will Insha try to bear yo burden. Hey! Your creator is very close at hand, DON DESPAIR. He hears, ye know! ASK and INSHA ALLAH ye will be given. KNock! and Insa Allah it will be open to ye. Ye need not be bitter. Pls dont

Anonymous said...

@ daria

Why cant we just get to live without religion? You know life gets much less complicated.

Anonymous said...

It’s sad to think what has happened to Maldives these last few decades. Why do these people hate the prophet and his companions so much. They are unbelievable. When they open their mouth so many bad words. What has happened?

Anonymous said...

@ 8.13

Faith is like a baby plant. You need to water it, manure it, put in the sun for it to thrive. Then it grows and blossoms out. If you don’t take care, then it dies off. That’s the case with a persons faith. Maybe they were neglected by their parents. Maybe they had no proper teachers. The results of that is they have no faith. They have no manners, they are loud and vein. They like to follow the westerners, cos their life is to enjoy life without limits, as much as they can afford.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how they are so angry about the prophet Mohammed?
There is one of them who even says Re. the hadis that a junior kid could find fault with them. But observe that they would never give an example. They critisize, but concrete examples they dont give. They use fowl language to distract.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MAke luv not hate

Anonymous said...

Lets all Lead a life that benefits us on judgement day. The start is remembrance of Allah.

Anonymous said...

I am in the stage, that I think of the day of JUdgement. Thats really scarry. Death I cannot avoide. In death, nobody can help me. If my bad is more than good. I'll go to Hell. That is scarry.

Anonymous said...

This is Yusuf. Interesting session this. I'm a revert since JUne this year - Thanks to God Almighty. I like a lot of what I read, here.

Anonymous said...

@ Yusuf.

Maashallah! Welcome. You say that you are revert. May I ask you how and what brought you to islam? I wish you the best in life – here and the hereafter. May Allah bring you close to him. Amin


Anonymous said...

Amen! May Allah Grant you all happiness. :-)

Anonymous said...

Amin. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Allah is great. You are our brother. we love the good fortune you had and more

Anonymous said...

Guys, Allah Guides who He wills. Do not ever despair of Allah's help. When we are weak, turn to Allah and He CAN make us strong. Even if you are hopeless and miserable, ask Allah for his help, and HE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY AND FULL OF CONFIDENCE. Just Close your eyes and ask. Nay! Just think, Allah sees into your heart too.

Bless you, dear brother Yusuf.


Anonymous said...

This is what I call mumbo jumbo. Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Sisters/Bro, Dont respond in kind to such provocations. Dont forget the way of the prophet. Always with Good manners, Always in control of the tongue and Always with Allah in Mind.
Allah Give US success.

Anonymous said...

@ Ali.
Thanks for all your prayers. May God Bless you all. I’m a 4th. Year medical student in Lyon. Here I met Abdul Rahman- a Moroccan student. I was struck by the humility and quite simply the bizarre selflessness of this student.
I had observed that during afternoon lectures he used to slip out of the amphitheatre - always at the same time. One day I followed him out, and to my amazement found that he had laid out some newspapers on the floor near the toilet and was going through really bizarre motions of standing bending and on knees kissing the ground. It was quite cold, in the basement, with heating out near the toilet, the man was chattering. Strange! I befriended him, and in answer for my questions he gave me a Coran.

I was amazed with the Saint Coran. It was so different from my Bible, in a huge positive way. I had so many questions that welled up due to my culture and upbringing. By Gods Will, I had been given such super Muslim as my brother Abdul Rahman. His aquiline features, blue eyes! Yes, blue eyes! :-), his beard and little smile reminded me of Zayd in “Road to Mecca”. He had the Coran memorized and this impressed me very much. It showed me, in real life how the transmission of the saint Coran was done. Never had I seen, or heard of anyone who had memorized the Bible.

For me Abdul Rahman striving to live a life as taught by the Saint Coran was a real eye opener. To my amazement, I could see in this simple man, a life that was so much like the life lead by Jesus Christ, Always with humility, service to his neighbors and so much love, and his life devoted so much to God.

I have NEVER seen a Christian lead a life, like what we are told Jesus Christ lead his life. This is my personal experience. Yet this Moroccan Berber, who did not read the Bible once, seemed to bear all the hallmarks of Christ’s life – Love, humility, selflessness, Severe against those who forgot God, Diligence in duty to God, and a friend to all children.

After about 6 months of hours spent together, going through our difficult programs of study, by the Grace of Almighty I became a Muslim. Jason became Yusuf – Thanks to the Almighty. :-)

I was indeed born again, in every sense of the word. (Any Christian here would see the significance of this. Thank-you your good-will, your prayers and welcoming me like a brother. Please pray for my family. My mother and sister are by Gods Will on Gods Mercy list soon If he wills. Thank-you Lord!

Anonymous said...

“Our Lord!we have heard the call of one calling (Us)to Faith,
‘Believe ye in the Lord,’ and we have believed.Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, blot out from us our iniquities, and take to Thyself our souls in the company of the righteous.
(Rabbana innana samiAAna munadiyan yunadee lileemani an aminoo birabbikum faamanna rabbana faghfir lana thunoobana wakaffir
AAanna sayyiatina watawaffana maAAa alabrar)

“Our Lord!” (they say), “Let not our hearts deviate now after
Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence;
for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure.
(Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana baAAda ith hadaytana wahab lana min
ladunka rahmatan innaka anta alwahhab)

And there are men who say: “Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in theHereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!”
(Waminhum man yaqoolu rabbana atina fee addunya hasanatan wafee alakhirati hasanatan waqina AAathaba annar) 2:201


God Bless u brother

Anonymous said...

Ameen! God Bless

Anonymous said...

This is a blog fr Maldivians, not fr reverts whatever that maybe. Stupid. When one changes with every changing wind what can one say. When you owe all your morals and what you are to the years up to your adult life and then turn your back - to wot makes ye click, then what can ye say? Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Get a life indeed, revert (whatever that is as Saami said) - This whole mess started in the Maldives due to a Moroccan I believe. Some dangerous people they have in there. But I gotta admire their talent for persuasion.

Anonymous said...

"Those who, when they are reminded of the Signs of their Lord, do not turn their backs, deaf and blind to them; who say, 'Our Lord, give us joy in our wives and children and make us a good example for those who guard against evil.' Such people will be repaid for their steadfastness with the loftiest abode in Paradise, where they will meet with welcome and with 'peace'. They will remain in it timelessly, for ever. What an excellent lodging and resting place!" (Surat al-Furqan, 73- 76)

Anonymous said...

"Islam" is not what some Muslims do. It is what all Muslims are "supposed" to do.

Taken from brother Yusuf Estees.
How true.

Pls be aware that very often the man of the road judges Islam by the way you behave. I share these thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hey the retard - he he heee sorry revert, where is he gone?

Anonymous said...

Great work here. Let me pith in. Lets make sure we worship the CREATOR only, and not his creations. This is easier said than done. Give it your thoughts. Thanks for many many good thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I like to share this verse dear ones. Thx for all your verses and hadis. We must try to read, reflect and put into effect the verse. Lets together get close to God and burn bright our love for our creator who gave us life and everything

The men and women of the believers are friends of one another. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong, and perform prayer and give the alms, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the people on whom Allah will have mercy. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (9:71)

Anonymous said...

Those who have been given knowledge see that what has been sent down to you from your Lord is the truth and that it guides to the Path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. (34:6)

Anonymous said...

Allah Bless you all. Its rather quiet.

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Nothing to get high eh heh he he hee

Anonymous said...

some of our young guys listen to our enemies version of Islam..they tell us what good for us forgetting that we are doing what we do to please ALLAH.

Anonymous said...

good work jasmine. hope you are sharing this beautiful treasure to your fellow sisters close to you..may Allah reward you for this in this world and hearafter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God Bless her.

Anonymous said...

jasmine, why are post drying?

Anonymous said...

Allah Akbarr

Anonymous said...

@ oppose anni

Yes. Today’s events show us that no matter how rich you get, no matter how powerful you get there is one tryst that you cannot postpone or cancel. That is your meeting with death.

Since we all have this appointment coming up, it’s well worth finding out about death. The literature available out there from reliable sources is to put mildly very limited. I can refer anyone who would like to know more about this subject to the Glorious Koran and Hadis.

Anonymous said...

Alif Laam Raa. Book that we revealed to you (Muhammed), in order to lead the people out of darkness into the light - in accordance with the will of their Lord - to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.(14:1)

As for the one who disregards My message, he will have a miserable life, and we resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind.(20:124)

Anonymous said...

let us all unite and remain steadfast and invite all our brothers and sisters in Islam to live/breath/and love islam.

Anonymous said...

live/breath/and love islam.

Oh! Allah Please Guide us to that path in which we indeed live/breath and love Islam.

Yes! lets strive hard for Allah. Lets remind one another our duties to Allah.

Allah Bless us all.

Anonymous said...

A little boy is telling his Grandma how “everything” is going wrong. School, family problems, health problems, problems with friends, etc.

Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a snack, which, of course, he does.

“Here, have some cooking oil.” “Yuck” says the boy.

“How about a couple raw eggs? ” “Gross, Grandma!”

“Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?”

“Grandma, those are all yucky!”

To which Grandma replies: “Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

God works the same way. Many times we wonder why he would let us go through such bad and difficult times.

But Allah knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!”

Allah hears all our Du’as. Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen and Hear. He is As-Baseerul, Sameer - The Seerer, The Hearer.

And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way (2:186)

taken from:

Anonymous said...

@ Thakuru

Thank you. Thats lovely.
Allah Bless you and family

Anonymous said...

YUSUFALI: It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.

Anonymous said...

Allah Akbar.

Anonymous said...

[... I can refer anyone who would like to know more about this subject to the Glorious Koran and Hadis.]

Can you refer to some other sources (with ACTUAL facts), other than the fairytale version which only you "believe" and "follow" blindly. That does not work that simply anymore as people also think and want to see reason.

Otherwise your "words" are no better than the Christians or Jews original "words" - or even the Hindus for that matter. Hell, when you take everything this way, the Dalai Lama makes more sense as well.

Sorry, Islam Buddy, the "word" just is not enough as a convincing tool. PROOF man!!! Can you REALLY do that. And don't quote some Hadith or another preaching. Something more tangible than that pls!

Btw, bom blastin terroris are a FACT today. and Muslims no less from their preachings and other messages. Reason enuf for the West to hate Islam. Whatever you believe is irrelevant as they follow the book and preachings you guys follow as well. They are just terribly violent to pass on the message. You guys are doing the same work. Just different methods. But neither one has the PROOF! Understand that this is not something someone made up or part of a deniable, fabricated "history". We live today and we see this today. So that argument is not worthy either.

And if you guys cannot give us this PROOF we ask why not simply just go on with your lives and ACCEPT the fact that it is OK for someone else to accept whatever he wants to believe in. After all it's none of your business so long as they do not invade your space. And by this, I'm talking of my brother Maldivians who want to be left alone as secularists, atheists, or God knows whatever else they think up today. This country cannot move forward without everyone starting to think this way!

Anonymous said...

inspite of all the anti-islam capaigns its amazing the number of very intelligent and highly educated people converting to Islam.Specially in UK/USA/Australia and Canada.
only if we can ask them for proof..

Jasmine said...

@ Adhaalath ...

Firstly, what do you want proof for?
Sorry, but I'm a bit dumb. So please spell it out for us. Say something like this ---- I want proof for 1. ... 2. ... etc.

Secondly you say - "ACCEPT the fact that it is OK for someone else to accept whatever he wants to believe in". ……..

I ask you; Who am I to accept or refuse what someone else believes in? It’s not my business.
As for being OK or not for you to believe in something – Isn’t there a Koranic verse to say that there is no compulsion in religion?

… I give you the reference….
: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).

You also said “ I'm talking of my brother Maldivians who want to be left alone as secularists, atheists, or God knows whatever else they think up today. This country cannot move forward without everyone starting to think this way!” …….

I think it’s always tempting to talk on behalf of others. When you do so you are invading someone else’s space. :-):-)

Anonymous said...

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Also in Europa and uSA. Those who convert, have many questions. They dont accept Islam without answers. What you call proof above. Strangest views. I Obey GOD as I have all proof I need to accept God. I'm happy. I'm Maldivian

Anonymous said...

Islam is a religion full of knowledge and appeals always for peoples to think with intelligense. God invioted man to observe nature and think about the creation and to come to believe in God. Faith comes into the play only after this important first step of being convinced by the brain and reasoning that God existed.

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