Sunday, February 15, 2009

Knowledge & Education - Elixir of Life.

Education is the Key to everything. Education is the Key to our Salvation. Is it any wonder then that Allah’s final revelation started with the words “READ!”? How can we forget that our beloved Prophet –Pbuh asked us to go even to China in search of Knowledge? [1]

Muslim Mothers & Fathers should understand this thoroughly. The success of their Children (In this world & the Next) depends on them answering Allah’s & the Prophet’s- Pbuh call to pursue Knowledge. Knowledge starts with the Koran & Hadis. Let us get a sound knowledge of these revelations by Allah. Lets teach our children well. Lets give our children the tools and the yardstick with which they can meet the world. [2]

Before we send our Children out in the pursuit of Knowledge to faraway lands let them learn Islam. With this Knowledge flows the Love of Allah -swt & love of His Prophet –Pbuh, love of his parents and love of his neighbor. With this Knowledge, when in a University in Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Sorbonne, Lumumba or Peking, our child Insha allah would be a Muslim and his/her life itself would be a “Da’wah” and he/she would realize that this was an opportunity that Allah had opened to him to spread Allah’s religion by the example of his/her life. [3]

Such a child Insha Allah would not return to us saying “Mom, I’m 16 or 21 and an adult so you my mother or father has nothing more to tell me”. He would not be hooked on a bottle, drugs, some Internet social networking platform or be the town’s most experienced licentious young man or woman. Is there anything as hilarious to see as Maldivians who try to imitate the Western people with their put-on accent and aping what they assume to be the cultural norms of that region? [4]

The many problems of Maldivian society today can be put to the failure of Maldivian parents to impart a sound knowledge base to their children. A sound Knowledge base implies & touches both the letter and spirit of the teachings of Islam. All too often, quite sadly, children learn by rote learning and there is a distinct disconnect between the letter & spirit of what they are learning. This inevitably leads to the aping of foreign experiences without the "inherent breaks” existent in those foreign societies, resulting in "moral mutants" easily identifiable in the Maldivian streets. [5]

Interestingly some Maldivians end up with the worst of both worlds. After spending 5-10 years in England or Australia some become ambassadors to licentious living, wittingly or unwittingly become the breaker of traditional family ties. They pose the greatest threat to the down-grading of the nuclear family and sadly end up producing cesspits or breeding grounds of the drug culture with its associated theft, violence, STD’s. Not surprisingly they take on themselves the task of fighting Islam because they know Islam stands in their way to lead a life as they pleased - eating, drinking, dressing and importing the sexual habits from far off lands. These "desires" are often coated with a coating of liberal idealism, so that the glitz and glamour surrounding a life living to fulfill ones own desires offers to many an inevitable downward slide to an egress of self destruction.. [6]

These liberal Guru’s willfuly ignore that some 1400 years ago Islam gave man the example of living life according to the rule of law, where both the rulers and ruled all lived subject to the same laws - where every man & woman, had self and property, as sacred & inviolable. Every individual was given rights recognized by law and also commensurate to obligations. In this Muslim society Muslims enjoy God-given opportunities to fully realize his/her potential without at any point of time forgetting that he/she had to be submitted to the Will of God. [7]

For the Muslim, Good is what Allah has allowed and Bad is what Allah has forbidden. In this Islamic society - whenever more than one person is involved the golden standard in decision making is by mutual consultation & duties of Islamic brotherhood pervade his/her Consciousness. [8]

What is truly amazing in the Islamic system is that frameworks are provided in the Koran & Hadis and the challenge for Muslims in different Generations is to lead their lives within the framework provided by Allah. Thus the Prophet –Pbuh discouraged his companion Omar – May Allah be pleased with him, to refer to the Bible for Guidance concerning life, because all that he could extract from the Bible in this regard was already in the Koran in an undisputed pristine crystal clear form. In this example is demonstrated the limits of the framework within which one has the liberty to act in an islamic context. [9]

Knowledge & Education thus is the elixir to all our problems. If we approach education donning the mantle of Thauheed, Insha Allah it would earn us “the here & hereafter”. The key to the wholesome development of future generations depends on the proper assimilation of this Knowledge. In this task, women with our psyche & temperament rightfully are at the forefront to take the leadership role in turning out God fearing, God loving and altruistic generations whose life aim is to serve his neighbor in answer to Allah’s call to love his/her neighbor. [10]

In preparation for this key role, together with her mate; women has obviously to by Allah's Grace acquire all forms of Knowledge especially knowledge of the Koran & Hadis. It is not sufficient from an Islamic perspective that one has a narrow, speciallised field of education, the ideal of the Western model. Fulfiling this need of Islamic youth for a comprehensive all embracing, "seeking of knowledge with Thauheed at the head" is the job that our most adept intelectuals and educationalists, should undertake so that Insha Allah the Islamic youth could once again rise to the challenges that changing circumstances pose from century to century - Just as the first Generation of Companions did and emerge victorious by Allah's leave. [11]

We cannot help but see the so-called secularists trying to take root in the Maldives. They seem to be at all levels of the Maldivian Society trying to get a toehold and the political arena is no exception. Their aim to start with is to banish Islam from ALL Collective life to a place reserved only at the level of the individual -- and then to destroy all Islamic values and Islamic ideals from our lives altogether at an opportune moment. The things that stand between them and their aims & goals are the Holy Koran & the Hadis of the prophet-Pbuh. This explains why no efforts are being spared in a lot of quarters to create in the minds of youth enmity towards the Koran & Hadis, specifically implying that rules set by Allah 1400 years ago in the Arabian dessert cannot be applicable in modern day life in states that are not Arabic. [12]

The Secularists preach this position having embraced the Western experience where the Westerners had blindly followed the saying “" Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." - with disastrous consequences: where millions of young people experienced the fruits of such a position in the form of a degrading life or infringements of their rights. Secularists in the Maldives erroneously attribute the so-called “advancement” of the Western world in science and technology to the liberating influence of banishing Allah from all forms of collective life. [13]

This is based on a selective view of the so-called “advancement”. Taking the case of the most developed nation on earth. Over 40 million people of them live with no health care, Every few minutes a woman is being raped, every few minutes somebody is being mugged, every few minutes someone is being murdered, every few minutes some incestual relationship is taking place, Over 50% of all murders are committed on women, every few minutes women are subjected to domestic violence. Over 75% of women state that sometime in their life they had experienced sexual harassment. This is yet not talking of drug problems and other such problems directly. These are some of the problems that go hand in hand with their chosen mode of life. [14]

My aim is not to beat the drums over some countries sad statistics. My point is that when we ape these countries we are opening ourselves to inherit the very same colossal social & moral problems that they face in the form of drugs, crimes – theft and murder, family break-ups, childhood pregnancies, promiscuity, sexually transmitted disease, sexual harassment, domestic violence, Paedophilia, unequal distribution of wealth, racism etc. [15]

The Western so called liberal life style perpetuated by a philosophy of production & consumption has without doubt an element of apparent “glitz”, “glamour” & "zest" to life; at the same time insiduously unfurling socio-economic and moral problems that keeps on adding up. Which Maldivian secularist dare to deny this by pointing to a country in the West which is without these glaring problems of sexual discrimination , sexual harassments, runaway drugs & related problems, major law and order problems, domestic violence, Paedophilia, teenage marriages, abortions and increasing divides between the haves and have-nots? In the interests of truthfulness SPEAK UP![16]

What the Secularists cannot come to grips with or comprehend is the fact that these social problems are not new problems of our times but age old problems that plagued the different societies down the ages as a direct consequence of rejecting Allah's laws. They fail to realize that these age old problems cannot be solved without turning to Allah & following Allah’s decree. Thus at the root of these problems lies the fact that man has abandoned God’s law and adamantly follows his/her desires. We the Muslim youth of today should encourage each other to turn back to Allah and learn about Allah swt & His prophet. In order to this we must seek Knowledge & Education.[17]

If we are to have any hope of addressing the multitude of problems that we face as a nation - at this time of history, we must first change ourselves to people who acquire knowledge of Allah as revealed in the Koran & Hadis . With this knowledge, Insha Allah would come love for Allah and an intense desire to lead our lives according to Allah’s law, in submission to Allah's Will. This would Insha Allah lead to justice at the level of the individual and the nation and ensure that there is equity among the people and most tellingly the family structure rescued from the state of free-fall experienced in the West and fast becoming a reality in the Maldives. For us to be successful, we must pray to to Allah and we must try to establish an overwhelming majority of Muslims who consciously want to lead their lives in love, justice, mutual respect, tolerance & comanionship according to Allah’s Law. [18]

These are the reasons that it makes perfect sense to seek after knowledge and education for all. As young mothers we should encourage the young, the most intelligent amongst our children to take up the challenges and study our source texts and learn to apply the texts to our age and time within the framework mandated by Allah. Isn’t this what the great scholars - Imams Abu Haniffa, Malik, Shafi, Hambali & Ghazali did in their time? [19]

All of them were oceans of knowledge in all fields of knowledge prevalent at their times and well known for their piety and taqwa manifested in long hours of prayer at night. What’s to be noted is that their education started in their families in the lap of their beloved mothers. The Islamic Ummah declined when fresh intelligent, young minds were not there to take on the batton of knowledge and mind-set that these "Knowledge heroes of Islam" tried to pass on. Once again the best brains and ardour born out of the Muslim Youth is needed to answer Allah's call to pursue Knowledge so that Peace, Harmony, love & tolerance may Insha Allah take root within the depths of our souls. Insha Allah this would happen, and lets all work towards it by Allah's Grace. [20]

Finally to the secularists coming in all colours and guises we say "examine the dictates of Islam and frame your questions!". [21]

Asking questions is an important part of acquiring knowledge, so frame the questions with respect to the sources of Islam. We also say to them not to be so shallow as to confuse Islam with practices prevalent in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Maldives or Saudi Arabia - that is a well trodden route and now cliched by the enemies of Islam, and now quite boring and without substance. In all our discourses with the secularists the reproach that we have is that they confuse the above & just cannot coin relevant questions to Muslims addressing Islam as expounded in the Koran & Hadis. [22]

Time is ticking & certainly fast running out, and maybe the next knock on the door would be death itself; so in parting let me draw your minds to this lovely Hadis… [23]

“Narated Abu Hurairah – rad, that the Messenger of Allah – sal, said: When a man dies, his good works are ended, except in three cases: except through a continuing charity (ie., al-waqf,) or Knowledge from which one can benefit, or a good child through his prayers for his parents. _ Muslim. [24]

Dear bro/sis in Islam, lets reflect on the Koranic verse 63:9 [25]

O ye who believe! Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. If any act thus, the loss is their own.

May Allah Bless all Muslims. Please correct me where wrong and know that Always ALAH KNOWS BEST. [26]



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Anonymous said...

Thank you for your time and answers Sister Jasmin and brother Thakuru.
I have with good INTENTIONS decided to leave the topic, not because im satisfied with the answers i got, but i do not want waste anymore time either of you or mine. I do not want to cause any more stress on Sister Jasmin that she might need a lot more prayers from the bros ans sis visiting the blog.

I hope oneday you will be able to convince more effectively to a discerning mind with the kind of unreasonable ammunitions you have used here.
I have certainly learned more abt Islam, the way you lot percieve, but hate to break it to you, it is awful.
I ask sister to read your last comment (reply) carefully out loud and listen to your self without any prejudice. I wish i could agree with you, so all will be peacful, but i fear that its not the way i see it. the creator of this massive universe will not test humans just to see if we are submitting to his will. He can not be gambling with our lives and destiny and final results, while He is the one who forbade Gambling. Forgive me for any offense and may you be blessed.

Anonymous said...

"It's a hard choice, but we think, it's worth it." - US Secretary of State, Madeline Albright's response to a May 11, 1996, 60 Minutes question about the over half a million children killed by the US sanctions on Iraq.

"I will never apologize for the United States of America . I don't care what the facts are." - George Bush, Newsweek, August 15 (Commenting o­n the shooting down of an Iranian airliner by the U.S. warship Vincennes, killing 290 civilian passengers.)

Anonymous said...

@ Jasmine @ Yahya

“At the end of the day, the question is HAVE WE SUBMITTED TO ALLAH’S WILL? As Muslims that’s the only question that matters.”

I agree with this sister jas. Iblis will try to prevent obedience to Allah in one guise or other. Different reasons make us be disobedient to Allah. Amongst them – carelessness/ forgetfulness, pride, rebellion, love of self, love of ancestors, anger, misplaced knowledge, priorities.

Allah ordered the angels to Prostrate before Adam. Iblis refused to obey Allah’s command due to his pride.

There would be people who would say that Iblis wanted to WORSHIP only Allah so he didn’t WORSHIP Adam. However what is the result? The result is that Iblis FAILED THE TEST OF OBEDIENCE TO ALLAH.

However, this type of reasoning is wrong. First the use of words are inappropriate. All that Allah commanded was his angels to prostrate before Adam. Calling this “WORSHIP” is overstepping our limits.

The Saint Coran informs us ….

And (remember) when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's command. Will ye choose him and his seed for your protecting friends instead of Me, when they are an enemy unto you? Calamitous is the exchange for evil-doers. (18:50)

Can’t you see Allah created Adam and tested the angels? Iblis’s haughtiness simply made him forgot that HE WAS CREATED BY ALLAH and it is not for him to question – what, when, how or why but TO OBEY IN COMPLETE SUBMISSION TO ALLAH. He had to prostrate before Adam. He did not.

Allah sent down His Messenger to Mankind. He gave clear instructions to mankind in numerous verses of the Saint Coran “Obey the Messenger!” “Follow the Messenger!” As you say Sister, once what the Messenger Of Allah said, did, approved or tolerated is established Mankind has no recourse but to follow the example of the noble Messenger of Allah.

The Prophet communicated to mankind Allah’s instructions on how to perform the prayers, how to perform Hadj, how to fast, how to give Zakat. Allah has made FOLLOWING HIS MESSENGER a test of Obedience to Allah.

Iblis was tested yesterday by asking him to prostrate before Adam -Pboh. He failed that test because of his arrogance. Today Allah Has sent His Final Messenger and tests Man by asking Man to follow His Messenger in all that he does. What is it that will make us fail the test ? – Arrogance like Iblis? False Pride? Misplaced Knowledge? Self love? In what disguise would come our down fall by not obeying & following the Messenger? What disguise?

Anonymous said...

"We sent aforetime apostles with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong) that men may stand forth in justice."(57:25)

"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for injustice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the desires (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you (distort) injustice or decline to do justice, truly Allah is well acquainted with all that you do."(4:135)

Anonymous said...

May Allah reward brother Yusuf and sister Jasmine (Amin)

free thinker said...

@ yahya

Brilliant. You have exposed these people are not capable of thinking. They would believe everything in blind faith. Kissing stones, worshiping stones, adoring stones. What difference from the Siva lingam of Hindoo? Ha! Ha! Ha! Haeaaaa hooooo heee. You have exposed the sick minds behind their twisted pagan minds.

Anonymous said...

@ freethinker
I think so too. But im really not proud of it. It sad just to see how little we can justify and how little we understand about a religion or its origins and reasons and the creator. You see, i have a problem with the way Islam was send to us. Islam i mean the now JEW, Christian all of them. Allah is omniscient and would know that Humans being will reach an age where there will be technology capable of recording the verses (message) instantly and preserve in better ways than at the time of Moses and Mohammad. although the scriptures are being recorded and preserved and God has assured that it will not be changed. BUT do you believe it.
On top of that, with the current technology it would be very easy to record the history and communicate the message of the almighty to all Human beings. Why the creator of everything was not so considerate despite all knowing. He knew it, but He chose to send the message back in stone age and we still have to follow it. Its hard to separate the truth and the fables due to this. Humans are very inquisitive being and its the way He created us. Some of us believe blindly, but rest of us need reasoning. Now it will be awfully wrong to say that those who believe blindly will go Heaven and those who question and reason are astrayed and will be send Hell. But i get thats what its all about.

Anonymous said...

@ Jasmine

So what about predestination that Yahya asked about?

Anonymous said...

"Satiation weighs down the body, hardens the heart, does away with sagacity, brings on sleep, and weakens one from worship." - Imam Shafi'i

free thinker said...

@ Yahya

When think of it God who is capable of everything cannot he program everything into every human being? That way there is no need about worrying about fables or not. Direct communication lines open to the 5 billion men, direct contact with no info lost. We have to deal with a message thousand of years earlier passing from mouth to mouth and at each mouth addition or sbstraction or both, no clue to find out how much addition or subs . How absurd this sounds. Look as if God had to wait until man invented the computer and Communications. This is absurd. Just look at this room blindly cutting and pasting. When you listen to Thakuru, jasmine or Yusuf you get idea of listening to broken record. Repeat arguments on and on. What kind of blindness do you think this is? Is there any help for such as they? What is the malady they suffer?

Anonymous said...

Exactly dude! I don't think they realize how a GOD or the creator should be, when you see what (if) HE has created here. They attribute some qualities of GOD as if HE is a royal King. Who needs to be satisfied with prayers and sacrifices and praises. This is wrong! I can only assume they do not know much about the rest of the earth, its mysteries and magnificiant history and the rest of the planets, other possible million solar system and billions of galaxies out there.

You see, prophet himself did not know much about the universe at that time i guess. I'll give you an example:

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421
Narrated Abu Dhar:
The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

Its very clear ppl at that time though the earth was flat. Now sisters and brothers please do not come up with "its how you interpret" crap. It makes more sense to believe and admit that in fact our encestors though earth was flat...

Had God created the universe and all in it, and decided to give life all beings on the earth and make humans superior and worship him, then i would expect He would make it little bit easier for us humans. afterall, we are His creations.

Anonymous said...

talk about pouring water over a ducks back!

Anonymous said...

@ yahya @ freethinker

Allah created the universe. Wont he know all there is to be known about it? Allah knows what happens in his creation. Not a hair falls but he knows it. Not a star is born but he knows. Allah created Men & Jinn to Worship Him. Not because Allah needs his worship ( Allah is perfect so free of all needs), but because that’s man’s nature. To reach his inherent potential man needs to worship his Creator. Your talk is of capricious little spoilt children. You know everything. You have decided how God should create his creation. You have decided how God should Guide His slaves. You have decided how God should be. You have decided how God acts. OMG! What folly. May Allah Guide us to the straight Path, The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors. Not (the path) of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


If one reads the Qur'an for ten minutes regularly, one can finish reading it in full every two months.

Is this how you do it? Ask yourself, do you complete recitation of the full Qur'an outside of Ramadan? And do not limit, my dear brother or sister, these special ten minutes, devoted to obedience, to be performed only once a day. Perhaps you will find the time after the morning prayer, or after the sunrise, or after the noon prayer, or before sleep.

Anonymous said...

A’isha* related : The prophet (S) used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. – At Tirmidhi.

Anonymous said...

Do they not reflect in their own minds? Not but for just ends and for a term appointed, did Allah create the heavens and the earth, and all between them: yet are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their Lord(30:8)

Thakuru said...


Where exactly in the hadith does it say the earth is flat?

Anonymous said...

@ yahya

When I explain to my daughter her lessons I do in a fashion she understands them well, and remembers them well too. My neighbour laughs a lot and tells me that I have a fertile imagination, and wished her childrens teachers did like manner. In my explanations I have the earth in my pocket, elephants that fly, apples that have pockets, factories that eat, and even butterflies that have suction pumps and best of all talking computers that has to go to the toilet! I must be doing something right because it is a fact that my 8 year has a good grasp of her subjects and enjoys her lessons & averages a top high 90. I thank God - for my imagination.

Anonymous said...

@ Jasmine

You say that you are not a scholar. You also say that you are not well read in Islam. We are writing to say that you have surprised us with your answers which struck us as being sincere. As non-Muslims following this exchange we were surprised with the questioner’s response to the issues you raised in your reply. It struck us as very odd. Since we believe in God ourselves your answers were a good day for those believing in God. We are waiting impatiently for your answer to the pre-destination issue raised.

Anonymous said...

Quote:My second question is about fate, thaqdheer. Qalo Qadar. well i understand the concept of qadar. that Alla wrote the destiny of each being in advance because he was aware of our destine. he was aware of our choices, but we are responsible for our choices. fine!

I dont think there was a question on predestination, Yahya seems to understand Qalo Qadar very well. And "predestination" may not be the accurate word to use here because human being are stil given the freewill to decide their destination.

Anonymous said...

Some lessons from Quran that apply to our general living

1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]

2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70]

3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]

4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low. [31/19]

5. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious [22/30]

6. Do not confound truth with falsehood [2/42]

7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3/167]

8. Speak in a civilised manner in a language that is recognised by the society and is commonly used [4/5]

9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative [6/152]

10. Do not be a bragging boaster [31/18]

Anonymous said...

@ sister Jasmine

YUSUFALI: Seest thou not that Allah doth know (all) that is in the heavens and on earth? There is not a secret consultation between three, but He makes the fourth among them, - Nor between five but He makes the sixth,- nor between fewer nor more, but He is in their midst, wheresoever they be: In the end will He tell them the truth of their conduct, on the Day of Judgment. For Allah has full knowledge of all things.

Anonymous said...

Iblis was not an angel, he was a Jinn.

Anonymous said...


The Prophet said: 'Honesty leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man remains honest and concerned about honesty until he is recorded as an honest man with Allah.

Lying leads to sinfulness and sinfulness leads to the Fire. A man keeps lying and remains partial to lies until he is recorded as a liar with Allah.' (Sahîh Bukharî, Sahîh Muslim)

Anonymous said...

Fruitful Discussion?

Al-Imam al-Shafi`i,used to say: "I never talked with someone but sincerely wished that Allah keep him, protect him from sin and misdeed and guide him; and I never debated with someone but sincerely wished that we would come upon truth, regardless of whether he or I should be the one to think of it first."

May Allah guide us all -Amin-

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@ Annonymous 8.35 pm

Thinking about fruitful discussions look at these.

`He is not asked about what He does but they are asked'. (al-Anbiya' 21:23)

So is it wrong to think of anyone who asks: `Why did Allah do that?' has gone against a judgement of the Book, and anyone who goes against a judgement of the Book is an unbeliever.

I like to inform this to sister Jasmine and yahya. She must also examines her reasons for this forum. A lot of these things only scholars can talk.

Anonymous said...

`And He forgives anything less than that (shirk) to whoever He wills' (al-Nisa' 4: 116);

Anonymous said...

Hilmi, lets invite a scholar here if you know any, we can all benefit from him.

Anonymous said...

The conception of God differs according to individual -- a philosopher does not envisage it in the same manner as a man in the street.

The Prophet Muhammad admired the fervour of the faith of simple folk, and often gave the example of "the faith of an old woman." That is, unshakable and full of sincere conviction.

The beautiful little story of the elephant and a group of blind men is well known . . . They had never before heard of an elephant, so on its arrival each of them approached the strange animal.

One laid his hand on its trunk, another on its ear, a third on its leg, a fourth on its tail, another on its tusks, etc. Upon their return, each one exchanged impressions and described the elephant in his own manner and personal experience.

For example, that it was like a column, like a wing, something hard like stone, or soft and slender. Everyone was right, yet none had found the whole truth which lay beyond his perceptive ability.

If we replace the blind men of this parable by searchers of the Invisible God, we can easily realize the relative veracity of individual experiences. As certain mystics of early Islam have observed, "there is a truth about God known to the man in the street, another known to the initiated, yet another to the inspired prophets, and lastly the one known to God Himself."

In the exposé given above, on the authority of the Prophet of Islam, there is enough elasticity in order to satisfy the needs of different categories of men - learned as well as ignorant, intelligent as well as simple, poets, artists, jurists, mystics, theologians and the rest.

The point of view and the angle of vision may differ according to the individual, yet the object of vision remains constant.

Anonymous said...

as if! who might be a scholar who will waste time here?

Anonymous said...


The way in which the revelation used to come could be deduced from the following reports in which the Prophet himself or his onlookers have described it: "Sometimes it came to me like the beating sound of the bell - and this is the hardest experience for me - and when that ceases, I retain well engraved in my memory all that it has said;

but sometimes the angel appears to me in the shape of a human being and speaks to me and I retain what he says" (Bukhari).

In the transmission of Ibn Hanbal, this same report reads: "I hear the beating sounds and thereupon I keep silent; there is not an occasion of the revelation to me when I do not fear that my soul will depart."

His Companions relate their observations, "whenever a revelation came to him, a sort of rest (immobility) captured him."

(Ibn Hanbal) Or, "whenever the revelation came to the messenger of God, he was overwhelmed and remained in this state a while as if he was intoxicated." (Ibn Sa'd) Or,

"the revelation came to him in the coldest day, and when it ceased, the front of the Prophet perspired with (sweat falling as) pearls." (Bukhari) Or,

"once when the moment (of revelation) arrived, he bent his head inside (a garment?), and lo, the face of the messenger of God had become red, and he snored; later the state vanished" (Bukhari). Or,

"whenever the revelation came, he suffered therefrom and his face darkened." (Ibn Sa'd) Or,

"when the revelation came to him, we heard near him like the humming sound of bees." (Ibn Hanbal and Abu Hu-aim) Or,

"the Prophet suffered great pain when the revelation came to him, and he used to move his lips." (Bukhari)

Another series of reports say that he then felt the weight of a great load, and said, "I saw the Prophet while he was on his camel when a revelation came to him. The camel began to foam with rage and twist its legs to the point that I feared that they would break with a crack.

In fact sometimes the camel sat down, but sometimes it would obstinately try to stand, with legs planted like pegs all through the time of revelation, and this lasted until the state (of revelation) vanished, and sweat would fall from him like pearls." (Ibn Sa'd) Or,

"the load almost broke the leg of the camel with a crack" (Ibn Hanbal).

Zaid Ibn Thabit reports his personal experience of a certain day in the following words: "His leg lay on my thigh and weighed so heavy that I feared that my femur would break with a crack" (Bukhari).

In another version, there is this addition: "... had it not been for the Prophet of God, I would have pushed a cry and taken away my leg."

Other reports say: "The revelation came to him once while he was standing on the pulpit of the Mosque and he remained immobile." (Ibn Hanbal) Or,

"he was holding a loaf of meat (during his meal) when a revelation came to him, and when the state ceased, the loaf was still in his hand" (Ibn Hanbal).

At such an occasion, the Prophet sometimes lay on his back, sometimes the inmates even covered his face in respect with a piece of cloth, as the circumstance may be. Yet he never lost his consciousness nor control of his self.

In the early times of the mission, he used to repeat aloud, during the course of the revelation, what was revealed to him, but while still at Mecca, he abandoned this habit of simultaneous repeating, but remained silent until the end of the state of revelation, and then he communicated the message of God to his secretaries to note (as is mentioned in the Qur'an 75/16):

"Stir not thy tongue herewith to hasten it; upon Us the putting together and the reading thereof."

And again (20/114):

"And hasten not with the Qur'an ere its revelation hath been perfected unto thee and say: my Lord, increase me in knowledge."

And when the Prophet returned to his normal state, he used to dictate to his scribes the portion of the Qur'an which had just been received by him, in order to publish it amongst the Muslims and to multiply the copies.

In his al-Mab'ath wa'l-Maghazi (MS of Fes), Ibn Ishaq reports: "Whenever part of the Qur'an was revealed to the Messenger of God, he first recited it among men, and then among women."

May The Blessings of Allah be on my teacher who said the above words. Ameen.

Anonymous said...

@ hilmi

maybe you should invite a collar.

Anonymous said...

Today Rabiul Awwal 12th.
Let us remember Allah's Blessing on mankind today. Lets remember Allah and thank Allah for Giving our Nabi the courage to overcome all the obstacles in his Path. Lets thank Allah for the Great successes that the Prophet and his companions had. Lets thank Allah for making firm His Messenger so that His Messenger was indeed a Mercy unto mankind. Lets Thank Allah for giving victory to His Messenger so that we and our Children got the good news of Islam in the most complete manner. Oh Allah Thank-You. May He Bless His Prophet. May He Guide us to Him. Amin

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jasmine said...

@ Cathy/ Marc
May Allah reward you for your kind words. Indeed we have been taught that the closest to us in sympathy we would find the sincere Christian who loves the One true God.

Like brother Thakuru implied Predestination is I think an erroneous rendering of the article of faith that Muslims belive in - Qadr. This is I think a vast subject that probably is best discussed by email. My email is and I look forward exchanging ideas on this.

However I can say that this touches on things hidden from us and the Prophet -Pbuh has adviced us not to speculate & dispute on this as he reminded us that many before us was mislead to destruction on this issue.

If you read Yusuf's & free thinker's comments you would appreciate how actual the prophets warning is.

Just as an introduction let me say that this subject involves two seperate realities or domains. In the first instance we have issue with FREE WILL, which is in the context of this life on earth in the context of time and space.

Then we have issue with Divine Justice, His Omniscience & His All Powerfulness which is examined in the context of the hereafter a realm not subject to time and space.

Trying to understand something which is essentially linited by time and space & extrapolating that into something that has no bearing on time and space is an exercise in futility. We can understand why the Prophet -Pbuh discouraged speculating on this topic.

Having said this we also can see that things of the life in the hereafter is essentially difficult to understand. As examples we know that good actions and bad actions are weighed in the hereafter using a balance. This is a certainity based on the Prophet's message to mankind. However limited by our present dimention its beyond comprehension.

The same applies to our different organs testifying against us. Once agin limited in our present dimention its incomprehensible. The fact that there could be things that cannot be comprehended by our brains is rational. What we cannot have faith in is anything that our faculty of reason proves is axiomatically impossible.

So finally we can come to some basic realities.

1. God is Just & All Merciful.
2. God is All Powerful.
3. God is All Knowing.
4. God has willed to give man "free choice".
5. This free Choice given by God and accepted by man, makes man responsible for his choice.
6. God does not burden man beyond his capabilities.
7. Everything is recorded and presented to man when he stands before the JUDGE.
8. God has sent Guidance to Man
9. What is Good is what God permits and BAD is what God forbids.
10. In judgement each person carries only his burden, and if his Good action exceeds his bad actions, by Gods GRACE he enters Paradise.

Every single one of these points are eminently rational and does not constitute an impossibility. The one thing that we cannot do is mix table and chairs or apples and oranges. We cannot mix that which is limited by time & space and that which is not limited by time and space.

So in conclusion

1. God has granted MAN freedom of Choice.
2. God is aware of what Man’s Choice would be.
3. Nothing can happen but by the Will of God
4. We are responsible for our actions given our freedom of choice willed and Granted to us by God.

Thats an introduction. Looking forward to hearing from you.

God Bless us.


Anonymous said...

@ Yahya

Let me try to explain this.

Suppose you owe me 1000,000 Rf. I go to courts. Its established you owe me - a guest in your country, 1000,000 & that you have to pay me 1000,000, or go to prison.

I then agree to accept 10 Rf. as payment from you in lieu of your 1,000,000. I'm aware of your state and am moved by your condition.

What would people call me? COMPASSIONATE, MERCIFUL, FULL OF LOVE.

Now figure out for yourself God's mercy.

@ Jasmine

:-). Like the style. Plausible answer to a difficult question. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you Marc/cathy for the comment. i fear the allegory terribly failed!
Why do you expect God to be like that. Its anthropomorphism and it can't be.
And it still do not answer the question on those poor chaps who never knew anything abt islam?

Anonymous said...

@ Yahya,

Our pleasure entirely. Good manners is becoming routine on this blog! Thats a welcome change. :-)

Its not God who is like that.
Its man who tries to be like God
and surely fails. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

We cannot answer for Islamic views on that.

From a Believers perspective in General God Judges everything according to perfect Justice in Perfect Love - Given that you are not born into Grace or has not accepted Grace in your life and above all Baptism we dont expect you to know this or understand the nuances in this.

How God does it with individual cases God knows and only those He reveals to like Christ & the Saints chosen by God. I can tell you those people who had not heard of God in a revealed sense, God would Judge them in Perfect Justice in perfect love!

How he does it, We dont know, and it does not bother us one bit how, when or where God does it. In short We have better things to expend our energies on rather than on trivialities and splitting hair for the sake of splitting hair. Once again since you are not in Grace we dont expect you to appreciate or even understand these nuances. After all nobody in his right senses would expect a baby to run a marathon.

What we do know is that perfect Justice would be done in perfect love - in every single case. Those people to whom God revealed as to HOW, they know it. Eg. Christ and the Chosen Saints.

As for anthropomorphism forgive me but you exagerate. Which human being in his right mind would accept 10$ instead of 1000,000? THAT IS NOT A HUMAN CHARECTERISTIC. Surely you can see the difference.

By the way we were rather amused that you did not fully understand the 10 & 1000,000 point. We certainly did not expect you to miss the bus altogether. Nevermind!


Anonymous said...

HOw overbearing and condescending of you to suggest i know nothing. Ofcourse i do not get the blind faith you have and i need reasons, that you have well expected from me not to understand.

Thats the problem with you guys. Its okay to be arrogant if you know how to fabricate words to defend a religion(s) which im trying to understand with reason.

you know nothing, i know everything is the last argument when there is nothing else to say. SUrely God will be just as mentioned in his book revealed to a man from an Arab tribe thousands of years back.
"those HE will, He will guide them to right path, those He does not, will be astrayed". and eventually those will end up in hell. I heard from islamic schollars that More women will occupy Hell than men. Sister Jasmin/Cathy try harder and harder to not be among them. Its inevitable that some will end up. Despite all loving and all powerful, He did not want to guide all Humans to the right path and offer his creation a Heaven:(

Thank you for your time though and hope your ears and mind will open to space beyond religion(s).

Anonymous said...

@ yahya
You thank people who answer you. Great! But do you ever READ whats posted? Whatever it maybe your questions benefit us. May God Bless you for that.

Unknown said...


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